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Fly Traps! Plants That Bite Back

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Presentation on theme: "Fly Traps! Plants That Bite Back"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fly Traps! Plants That Bite Back
Vocabulary Words

2 carnivorous Meat eating, or, in the case of certain plants, insect eating Adjective To survive, carnivorous plants need insects.

3 victim a living thing that is harmed Noun
The mouse was the victim that became the snake’s lunch.

4 boggiest Soggy or swampy Adjective
We wore boots to hike through the boggiest part of the trail.

5 accidentally By mistake Adverb
I accidentally let Josh know about his surprise party.

6 chemicals A substance that has certain properties Noun
The students wear safety glasses when mixing chemicals in science class.

7 fertilizer Something spread on the soil, such as chemicals, to make it richer and be able to produce better crops Noun After we added fertilizer, the plants grew better.

8 dissolve To break up into tiny parts and become part of a liquid Verb
Dissolve some sugar into the lemonade so it will taste sweet.

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