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THE TRIPLE ‘E’ EDIT REPORTS, EXCEPTION REPORTS, AND EXTRAORDINARY RESULTS Laura McKenzie and Lisa Lewis-Mangum Idaho State University July 31, 2015 9:00.

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Presentation on theme: "THE TRIPLE ‘E’ EDIT REPORTS, EXCEPTION REPORTS, AND EXTRAORDINARY RESULTS Laura McKenzie and Lisa Lewis-Mangum Idaho State University July 31, 2015 9:00."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE TRIPLE ‘E’ EDIT REPORTS, EXCEPTION REPORTS, AND EXTRAORDINARY RESULTS Laura McKenzie and Lisa Lewis-Mangum Idaho State University July 31, 2015 9:00 – 9:50 Business Intelligence Track Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

2 SESSION RULES OF ETIQUETTE  Please turn off you cell phone/pager  If you must leave the session early, please do so as discreetly as possible  Please avoid side conversation during the session Thank you for your cooperation! Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

3 INTRODUCTION  Idaho State University  Banner Admissions October of 2009  Full cutover from legacy system to Banner August 2010  ~14,000 Students  We will walk through the process for creating an edit or exception report and how we utilize them in our daily processing.  We will also outline the edit and exception reports Idaho State University uses in their student module. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

4 SESSION AGENDA 1. What are Edit and Exception Reports? 2. How we know when to build a report or a “one-time” cleanup. 3. To Schedule or Not to Schedule? 4. A sampling of what we currently have 5. Where we want to go Coeur d’Alene, Idaho


6 EDIT AND EXCEPTION REPORTS DEFINED AT IDAHO STATE:  Exception Report – focuses on inconsistencies in the data based upon the business processes that exist for Idaho State University.  Examples:  Post Bachelorette (PB) students that don’t have a bachelors degree on record  Athletes in SGASPRT that do not have an active Student record.  Athletes missing an NCAA ID in SPAIDEN  Edit Report – Data that appears to be incorrect or missing after normal processing has run in Banner.  Examples:  Missing academic standing for PB students after Academic Standing Jobs.  Max hours greater than standard after end of term. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

7 WHEN TO BUILD A REPORT VS. A ONE TIME CLEANUP  Report requests are usually born out of necessity or experience with “bad” data.  Once a problem is discovered:  Is it a business process/BIC error  Can the process be changed to fix the problem from recurring?  Create an Exception report that focuses on the data inconsistency.  Is it a system or processing error  Is there a solution (patch or workaround available).  If yes – apply patches or workaround and do a one time cleanup  If no – create an edit report to be run together with the processing (example would be end of term) Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

8 TO SCHEDULE OR NOT?  We have set up a “Student Exception” group account  All scheduled exception reports are sent to this account.  This allows multiple individuals to see the email without worrying about having to update this is in the schedule process.  While scheduling reports to run regularly can be helpful it can sometimes lead to complacency in the cleanup efforts.  You may find that the schedule should be scaled back or stepped up based upon the response and the amount of exception data.  Scheduling doesn’t always make sense. In this case – we make the report available to run on demand. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

9 REPORTS WE CURRENTLY HAVE SCHEDULED:  Athletes Reports  missing a minimum credit amount on SFAREGS  registered in less than 12 credits  Incorrect Suffix Report  Holds and Overrides that have been deleted by a user  Students with invalid curricula  Veteran Reports  Students with a Veteran marked on SPAIDEN but nothing in Veteran tab of SGASTDN  Students with a Veteran classification in SGASTDN but nothing in SPAIDEN Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

10 REPORTS WE CURRENTLY HAVE SCHEDULED:  Degree Works Reports  Major exceptions that were entered into SPACMNT that need to be entered into Degree Works  Students with a AA, BA, or BS that don’t have the corresponding attribute  New Degree Works students with historical coursework that may need course attributes added ** we also send the log files from the nightly process to this account so the functional office can do first level testing when issues arise pertaining to data *** Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

11 EXAMPLES OF EXCEPTION REPORTS  Active SIAINST record with an inactive employee status  Course records with a SMAAREA and with a null pre- requsite indicator  Athletes without an NCAA ID  Students without a state ID number Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

12 EXAMPLES OF EDIT REPORTS  Enrolled students without an active SGASTDN record  Students with good academic standing with a max hour less than 18  Sections over capacity  Deceased students with enrollment and/or active registration  Students over the credit limit Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

13 WHERE WE WANT TO GO  The end goal would be to have no “bad” data.  We want to evolve as business processes change and have our edit and exception reporting change with it.  This means :  adding new reports,  altering reports based upon business process changes  decommissioning reports as problems that used to exist go away. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

14 SESSION SUMMARY  Edit and Exception reports are very personalized to the institution or organization  The important piece of the puzzle is to have functional and technical work together to solve the problem.  These reports are meant to change and evolve as your systems and processes evolve. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

15 QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

16 THANK YOU! Laura Mckenzie – University Registrar – Lisa Lewis-Mangum –Computer Analyst Sr. – Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

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