“If the truth were known, many sermons are prepared and preached with more regard for the sermon than the souls of the hearers. ” George Pentecost.

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Presentation on theme: "“If the truth were known, many sermons are prepared and preached with more regard for the sermon than the souls of the hearers. ” George Pentecost."— Presentation transcript:

1 “If the truth were known, many sermons are prepared and preached with more regard for the sermon than the souls of the hearers. ” George Pentecost

2 Ya hoo, it Friday!!!! Enjoy your weekend

3 Outcomes Students will review the key elements of Islam and explore its expansion. To Do List Review the 20 / 20 video Grade Homework- Reading of Primary Sources Quick quiz on Section 1 Notes on the spread of Islam Begin – Arabian Nights

4 This WEEK: Friday:Spirit Day! Basketball @ Heights Have a GREAT WEEKEND!!! Next weekend is Sweetheart!!!! Be sure to order your corsages and boutonnières

5  Saudi Culture  Education  Women  Osama bin Lauden  Thoughts- ideas- reflections

6  Primary Sources  Quiz

7 “If the truth were known, many sermons are prepared and preached with more regard for the sermon than the souls of the hearers. ” George Pentecost

8  By 632 Muhammad has influenced and encouraged the unity of Bedouin tribes  Why is this a big deal???  Bedouins, who were nomadic spread the faith  Merchants, spread faith along trade routes  Between 632-733 Islam spread / took  Syria, Egypt, North Africa, and Spain Religion become a unifying force


10  Concept of Jihad against infidels is a driving force. There was a forced conversion  Does not include Jews – Christians  Economic Motives to convert- expanded trade  Political divisions, contributed to conversion  Specifically between the Byzantines and Persians  Oppressed Byzantines- saw Arabs as liberators  Muslim Military organization- horses / benefits

11  After Muhammad’s death (632)- Muslim umma split  Discussion and division over whom should lead  Office of Khalifa-Caliph was est. under Abu Bakr  Very influential because of friendship with Muhammad  Qur’ an was final authority on ALL matters-spirit / secular  Successors established Caliph as an institution  Umar (634-644)Collected taxes  Uthman (644-656)Published Laws  Ali (656-661)splitProtected Trade  Mu’ awiya (661-680) Governor of Syria- Ummayad Dynasty  Moved Capital to Damascus (created Sunnis- Shi ites)

12  Two different groups divided by loyalties to caliph  Sunnis- Caliph is political leader of Islam, but not religious  Elected position  Choose someone who is pious  Umayyad Dynasty (Arabic Influence- Capital Damascus)  Shi’ ites- the Imam, or leader should be a direct descendent of Muhammad  Blood ties make him sinless and divinely inspired  Abassid Dynasty (Persian Influence- Capital Baghdad

13  Capitals of Islam  Mecca  Damascus  Bahgdad  Ruling Families  Ummayad- Arabic Influence  Abassid- Persian Influence  Division of Islam  Sunnis  Shi ites

14  On your post it note-  What stood out to you today as new or different?

15  Please read  Complete your worksheet of Islamic terms  Begin research---Islam as a peaceful (yes or no)

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