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Working Toward One Community for All Arizonans Arizona Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities.

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Presentation on theme: "Working Toward One Community for All Arizonans Arizona Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working Toward One Community for All Arizonans Arizona Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities

2 What is a developmental disabilities council? State planning council authorized by the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act – Public Law 106- 402 (DD Act) Every state and territory in the country has a federally funded developmental disabilities council

3 What is a developmental disability under the DD Act? A severe, chronic disability of an individual that: Is attributable to a mental or physical impairment or combination thereof Is manifested before the individual attains age 22 Is likely to continue indefinitely Results in substantial functional limitations in 3 or more of the major life activities (self-care, receptive or expressive language, learning, mobility, self-direction, capacity for independent living and economic self-sufficiency) Reflects the individual’s need for a combination and sequence of special, interdisciplinary, or generic services, individualized supports, or other forms of assistance that are of lifelong or extended duration and are individually planned and coordinated

4 Core Principles of the DD Act Independence –To have control Productivity –To work or make other contributions to a household or community Integration –Right to the same opportunities, services, community resources as all other Americans Inclusion –To fully participate, be welcome in social educational, work and community life

5 Purpose of State Developmental Disabilities Councils Engage in advocacy, capacity building and systemic change activities that enable individuals with developmental disabilities to exercise self-determination, be independent, be productive, and be integrated and included in all facets of community life –Contribute to a coordinated, consumer and family centered, consumer and family directed, comprehensive system of community services, individualized supports, and other forms of assistance

6 State Developmental Disability Council Responsibilities  Develop, implement, monitor progress of a state plan for services (5 Year Plan) The plan should support the Council in: –Serving as an advocate for individuals with developmental disabilities –Conducting or supporting programs, projects and activities that improve the quality of life of individuals with disabilities

7 Arizona Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) Mission The mission of the Arizona Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities is to work in partnership with individuals with developmental disabilities and their families through systems change, advocacy and capacity building activities that promote independence, choice and the ability of all individuals to pursue their own dreams.

8 GCDD Five Year Plan Five year plan initiated in fiscal year 2007 Currently in the 1 st year of five year plan Goals in current five year plan –Education –Employment –Formal/informal community supports –Quality assurance/self-advocacy –Health care –Transportation –Housing –Cross cutting

9 Community Forums Community Forums conducted in 27 communities (8 urban and 19 rural) Telephone survey conducted with over 450 responses Feedback from these forums used to craft the GCDD 5 Year Plan

10 Forum Results - Housing Top Areas of Concern for People with Disabilities –Visitability –Universal Design –Locating affordable & accessible housing –Infrastructure to accommodate development ie. Sidewalks connecting housing to local services, curb cuts, etc.

11 GCDD 5 Year Plan – Housing Objective #1 Five single family home developers in Arizona, including one developer that serves at least one unserved or underserved community, will incorporate visitability and universal design concepts in their planning and development efforts

12 How do we get there? Planning for accomplishment of objective to begin sometime in 2008-2009 Potential Grant Opportunities Interested organizations & companies should contact the GCDD to be notified of potential grant opportunities in this area

13 GCDD 5 Year Plan - Housing Objective #2 1000 people with developmental disabilities and/or their family members will be informed of and access Arizona’s affordable, accessible rental housing search service offered by Socialserve.

14 Partnership with the Arizona Department of Housing Key to Success: Adequate Vacancy Listings Additional emphasis on unserved & underserved communities Marketing to the General Public slated for Spring of 2008

15 free-to-use housing locator free to search and list a 501(c)(3) nonprofit funded at city, county and state levels multiple points of access online, via toll-free phone fax, mail and email bilingual website and call center

16 here to serve search anonymously, without entering personal information no personal information or registration necessary listing is fast and easy complete a quick, free registration easy to use call center available toll-free for assistance from a live human

17 searching Home Choose a State

18 searching Choose a city or county

19 searching Choose Basic, Advanced or Accessible Searches

20 searching Or begin a search through the Median Family Income Calculator

21 searching results sift through results sort by rent, size, etc. save to a shopping cart map the properties…

22 searching Maps View properties on a map Even begin a new search from the map

23 searching Detailed Results Review detailed property information Contact property provider

24 Video

25 Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities 3939 North Third Street, Suite 306 Phoenix, AZ 85012 602-277-4986 (voice) 1-866-771-9378 (voice/toll free) 602-277-4949 (TTY) 602-277-4454 (fax)

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