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1 Welcome to the MOB! Website: Core Strength, Tuesdays, 6:00 AM Announcements Welcome, Introductions, OverviewSeptember 15,

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Presentation on theme: "1 Welcome to the MOB! Website: Core Strength, Tuesdays, 6:00 AM Announcements Welcome, Introductions, OverviewSeptember 15,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Welcome to the MOB! Website: Core Strength, Tuesdays, 6:00 AM Announcements Welcome, Introductions, OverviewSeptember 15, 2015

2 2 Welcome IBC Men’s Ministry Overview MOB Overview ‐Components ‐Meetings ‐Schedule ‐WebsiteWebsite ‐Confidentiality 2015 – 2016 Overview 1 John Overview Small Groups ‐Leaders ‐Assignments ‐Meetings Meeting Outline Welcome, Introductions, OverviewSeptember 15, 2015

3 Immanuel Bible Church Men’s Ministry MISSION STATEMENT Immanuel's Men's Ministry seeks to: Enlist all men in His service Encourage men in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ Equip men to develop the personal skills necessary to serve God as Elders, Deacons and other church leaders Engage men in Christian fellowship with other men through Prayer, Bible Study, Worship, Small Group Interaction, and Ministry Activities CORE COMPETENCIES It is our desire that every man be: Committed to telling "his story" of God's work in his life Committed to understand and fulfill his biblical role Committed to personal Bible study and prayer Committed to meet with other men for accountability, fellowship, study and prayer Welcome, Introductions, OverviewSeptember 15, 2015 3

4 MOB Components Bible Study Individual Small Group Large Group Prayer Individual Small Group Large Group Fellowship Small Group Large Group Welcome, Introductions, OverviewSeptember 15, 2015 4

5 Before TuesdayIndividual Prayer & Study; Small Group activities encouraged 6:15 – 6:45 PMLeaders’ Prayer and Preparation Meeting (Choir/Seminar Room W102) 6:45 – 7:10 PM Food & Fellowship (Choir/Seminar Room W102) 7:10 – 7:45 PM Large Group Meeting (Choir/Seminar Room W102) 7:45 – 8:45 PM Small Group Meetings (Assigned Rooms – see website)website The Host Small Group designated for each meeting is responsible for providing light refreshments (snacks), room set-up, and clean-up. Meeting Format Welcome, Introductions, OverviewSeptember 15, 2015 5

6 Schedule Welcome, Introductions, OverviewSeptember 15, 2015 6

7 Code of Confidentiality “What is said in the MOB stays in the MOB.” Members of the MOB adhere to a strict code of confidentiality so we can build the mutual respect and trust required for honest openness (transparency) and effective accountability. This means that you may NOT share any information that another brother might share in the MOB without first getting his permission in advance. This is important for building heathy, strong, lasting relationships. Welcome, Introductions, OverviewSeptember 15, 2015 7

8 2015 – 2016 Overview Welcome, Introductions, OverviewSeptember 15, 2015 8 1 John “Fellowship Barometer” 2 Peter “Poison in the Pew” 2 John “Bolt the Door” 3 John “Open the Door” Jude “Fight for the Faith” Daniel “Dreams”

9 1 John Overview Welcome, Introductions, OverviewSeptember 15, 2015 9 Fellowship Barometer God is Light God is Love God is Life

10 God is Light Welcome, Introductions, OverviewSeptember 15, 2015 10 Walk in Light Regularly confess sins +Continuous cleansing +Christ defends us Proof: + Obedience (God’s commandments) + Love (others) Roadblocks: ‐Love of the World ‐False Teachings

11 God is Love Welcome, Introductions, OverviewSeptember 15, 2015 11 Walk in Love ‐No love, no fellowship with God ‐Love must be practical (actions > words) ‐Giving, not getting ‐Unconditional Our Model: Jesus Christ ‐Met spiritual needs ‐Met physical needs Results: ‐Free of self-condemnation ‐Confidence before God

12 God is Life Welcome, Introductions, OverviewSeptember 15, 2015 12 Fellowship with God means you will possess His quality of life Spiritual life begins with spiritual birth (John 3:1-15)John 3:1-15 Spiritual birth begins with faith in Jesus Christ Faith in Jesus Christ infuses us with love

13 Conclusion Welcome, Introductions, OverviewSeptember 15, 2015 13 One who walks in fellowship with God will walk in light, love, and life.

14 Epistle vs. Letter Welcome, Introductions, OverviewSeptember 15, 2015 14 Public reading vs. personal 1 John = Epistle 2 & 3 John = Letters Elements: ‐Sender’s Name ‐Recipients’ Name ‐Greeting ‐Prayer wish and/or thanksgiving ‐Body of letter ‐Final greeting and farewell 1 John = “General Epistle”

15 Author Welcome, Introductions, OverviewSeptember 15, 2015 15 Since the Apostle John’s name is NOT in the epistle How can we be sure he wrote it? External Evidence Internal Evidence

16 External Evidence Welcome, Introductions, OverviewSeptember 15, 2015 16 From the beginning, universally received without dispute as authoritative “Ioannou A” (“First of John”) All Greek and Latin church fathers, e.g.: ‐Clement of Rome (d. AD 99) ‐Polycarp (AD 69 - 155, knew John as a youth) ‐Papias (AD 70 - 163) ‐Irenaeus (AD 130 – 202, knew Polycarp as a youth) ‐Origen (d. AD 254) Didache (early church manual) Didache Muratorian Canon ‐NT books recognized as Scripture c. AD 200 ‐8th century manuscript ‐Printed in AD 1740 by L.A. Muratori

17 Internal Evidence Welcome, Introductions, OverviewSeptember 15, 2015 17 Eyewitness indicators (cf. 1 John 1:1-3; 4:14) ‐“we” (apostles) ‐“you” (readers) ‐“they” (false teachers) Author obviously well-known by readers Style & vocabulary (syntax) similar to Gospel ‐similar phrases ‐limited Greek vocabulary ‐frequent contrast of opposites (e.g. light vs. dark) Similarities > Differences Supports universal tradition

18 Opposition Welcome, Introductions, OverviewSeptember 15, 2015 18 John the Elder (“Presbyter”) Eusebius’ Ecclesiastical History (AD 323) Interpretation of a statement by Papias Not a big problem May be the same person

19 The Apostle John Welcome, Introductions, OverviewSeptember 15, 2015 19 Jesus’ “inner circle” (Luke 8:51, 9:28; Matthew 17:1, 26:37) ‐Entrusted to care for Jesus’ mother, Mary (John 19:26-27) ‐“the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 13:23, 19:26, 20:2, 21:7,20) ‐“Sons of Thunder” (Mark 3:17, Luke 9:51-56) ‐Church leader in Jerusalem (Acts 8:14) ‐Church “pillar” (Galatians 2:9) Left Jerusalem before destruction (AD 70) ‐Ministered in/around Ephesus in Roman Province of Asia (Turkey) ‐7 churches (The Revelation 2-3)The Revelation 2-3 Last living Apostle and intimate friend of Jesus Wrote: ‐Gospel (c. AD 85 - 90) ‐1 2 3 John (c. AD 90 - 95) ‐The Revelation (c. AD 95)

20 John’s Ministry Timeline Welcome, Introductions, OverviewSeptember 15, 2015 20 AD 28 – 30 With Jesus during His public ministry on earth 30 – 70 Apostle in Jerusalem 66 – 70 Jewish Rebellion; 70 Romans destroy Jerusalem 70 – 95 In Ephesus (Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, Eusebius) 81 – 96 Domitian, Emperor of Rome 95 – 96 Domitian persecutes Christians; John exiled to Patmos 96 – 100 John back in Ephesus until death

21 Seven Churches in Asia Welcome, Introductions, OverviewSeptember 15, 2015 21 Smyrna Pergamum Thyatira Sardis Philadelphia Laodicea Ephesus All within 100 miles of Ephesus

22 Seven Churches in Asia Welcome, Introductions, OverviewSeptember 15, 2015 22

23 John’s Purposes Welcome, Introductions, OverviewSeptember 15, 2015 23 Pastoral: - “that you too may have fellowship” (1 John 1:3) - “that your joy may be full” (1 John 1:4) - “that you may not sin” (1 John 2:1) - “that you may know you have eternal life” (1 John 5:13) Polemic: - “concerning those trying deceive you” (1 John 2:26) - “make sure no one deceives you” (1 John 3:7) - “test the spirits” (1 John 4:1-3)

24 False Teachings Welcome, Introductions, OverviewSeptember 15, 2015 24 Predicted by the Apostle Paul (Acts 20:28-31)Acts 20:28-31 Syncretism ‐Mix of Greek philosophy & eastern mysticism (Egypt, Syria, Persia) ‐Extreme pluralism (“many paths to truth”) Gnosticism (gnosis = “knowledge”; secret knowledge) ‐Plato: Matter is Evil, Spirit is Good Docetic Gnosticism (dokein = “seem”) ‐Jesus was Christ, but only seemed to have a physical body (allusion) ‐Pure Spirit only (denied the Incarnation & Jesus’ humanity) Cerinthian Gnosticism (named after Cerinthus, c. AD 100) ‐Jesus was a mere man (denied Jesus’ divinity) ‐Christ came upon Jesus at baptism & departed before crucifixion Results: ‐Harsh treatment of body ‐Licentious (immoral) living

25 Assurance Welcome, Introductions, OverviewSeptember 15, 2015 25 Assurance through abiding in Christ (1 John 2:28) +Regeneration +Practice of Righteousness +Righteousness manifested in love Results +Fellowship +Hope: Full conformance when Jesus appears (1 John 3:1-3) Mutual Abiding Believer in God + God in Believer = Assurance

26 1 John Circular Chain Welcome, Introductions, OverviewSeptember 15, 2015 26 1.Love for others comes from love for God (1 John 4:20 – 5:17) 2.Love for God arises out of obedience to His commandments (1 John 5:2-3) 3.Obedience to God results in Faith in His Son (1 John 5:4-5) 4.Faith in Jesus; Christ before/at baptism & at/after death (1 John 5:6-8) 5.Divine witness to Christ is worthy of complete belief (1 John 5:9-13) 6.Belief produces confident access to God in prayer (1 John 5:14-17) Intercessory prayer is a manifestation of love for others (complete circle)

27 Epilogue Welcome, Introductions, OverviewSeptember 15, 2015 27 Epilogue (1 John 5:18-21) Conclusions: 1.Sin is a threat to fellowship (Romans 6) 2.Stand with God against the Satanic World system 3.The Incarnation produces true knowledge & communion with Christ Since Jesus is true God and eternal life, avoid the lure of any substitutes

28 1 John Themes Welcome, Introductions, OverviewSeptember 15, 2015 28 Joy (1 John 1:4) Holiness (1 John 2:1) Assurance (1 John 5:13) “Litmus test” of a true Christian

29 1 John Outline FocusBasis of FellowshipBehavior of Fellowship Reference 1:1 - 2:142:15 - 2:272:28 - 5:35:4 - 5:21 Division Conditions for Fellowship Cautions to Fellowship Characteristics of Fellowship Consequences of Fellowship Topic Meaning of FellowshipManifestations of Fellowship Abiding in God’s LightAbiding in God’s Love Time Written in Ephesus around 90 AD 29 Welcome, Introductions, OverviewSeptember 15, 2015

30 Memory Verse Welcome, Introductions, OverviewSeptember 15, 2015 30 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

31 Small Groups Introduction of Small Group Leaders A–Robert Ours & Scott Trammell (A201) B–Joel Benson & Essex Long (B209) C–Lowell Mininger & Jim Meisinger (B203) D–Tim Osburne & Web Tileston (Lobby Conf Rm) E–Terry Young & Kirk Streitmater (B205) F –Rick Oliver & Paul Logan (B213) Assignment of Men to Small Groups Small Groups Meetings -Introductions -Prayer Welcome, Introductions, OverviewSeptember 15, 2015 31

32 1 John xxx xx xxx John’s Purpose Welcome, Introductions, OverviewSeptember 15, 2015 32

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