Roosevelt and the Square Deal

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1 Roosevelt and the Square Deal
Chapter 10 Section 2 Roosevelt and the Square Deal

2 Roosevelt takes office
Due to the assassination of President McKinley, vice president and former governor of New York, Theodore Roosevelt became president in 1901. He brought dynamic leadership to the progressive movement and helped reshape the country He renamed the Executive Mansion the White House One of Roosevelt’s goals as president was to fight class distinctions

3 The assassination of McKinley

4 Theodore Roosevelt

5 The United Mine Workers Strike
In 1902, some 150,000 coal miners went on strike for higher wages and the recognition of their union the United Mine Workers Union {A minister named Washington Gladden asked Roosevelt for help to force mine owners to negotiate with the miners} by sending a petition signed by thousands to the president. Conservatives urged Roosevelt to send in the U.S. army to force the strikers back to work Instead Roosevelt asked the two sides to accept {arbitration, or a process of resolving conflict in which both sides agree to accept the decision of a third party} In the end the workers won a shorter work week and higher pay but the mining companies did not have to recognize the union or bargain with it

6 The Square Deal Satisfied with the strike intervention, Roosevelt pronounced the compromise a “square deal” The square deal became Roosevelt’s 1904 campaign slogan it summed up his belief in balancing the interests of business consumers and labor The Square Deal called for limiting the power of trusts, promoting public health and safety and improving working conditions Roosevelt easily won the 1904 election

7 Trustbusting In 1902 the president took action to regulate large corporations by directing the U.S. attorney general to sue the Northern Securities Company for the monopoly they held on the railroad company In 1904 the Supreme Court ruled that the company violated the Sherman Antitrust Act and ordered the company dissolved Encouraged by the victory the Roosevelt administration launched a “trustbusting” campaign. It filed 44 suits against businesses engaged in policies believed to not be in the public interest Roosevelt also got Congress to pass the Elkin’s Act, forbidding shipping companies form accepting bribes in return for business, and the Hepburn Act, which set railroad rates and to regulate other companies engaged in interstate commerce.

8 Practices of Food & Drug Companies
Clear evidence existed that some drug companies, food processors and meat packers were selling dangerous products Chemicals such as formaldehyde were added to food to make them appear fresh Drug companies sold worthless medicines contained dangerous drugs like cocaine or morphine The Pure Food and Drug Act established regulations to prevent companies from making false claims about their products and it also required ingredient labels on products The Meat Inspection Act required federal inspection of meat shipped across state lines

9 This is an ad for Glyco-Heroin
This is an ad for Glyco-Heroin. Its ingredients are simply Heroin, Gin & sugar. The Pure Food & Drug Act outlawed these medicines because they cured nothing.

10 Political cartoon depicting medicine production in the early 1900’s

11 Protecting the Environment
Roosevelt realized that the nations national resources are limited and that the needs of businesses had always taken priority over the environment {Theodore Roosevelt also said “in the past, we have admitted the right of the individual to injure the future of the Republic for its own present profit. The time has come for a change} Gifford Pinchot a forester and a friend of Roosevelt coined the phrase conservation to describe the need to protect the environment Roosevelt set aside 150 million acres of land as forest reserves

12 Continued…. In 1902 {Congress passed the Newlands Reclamation Act which allowed money from the sale of public lands to be irrigation and reclamation- the process of making damaged land productive again} The National Park Services was created in 1916 to help supervise the newly protected monuments, wildlife refuges, and parks Among these were the Grand Canyon and the Petrified Forest in Arizona.

13 Review Questions A minister named Washington Gladden asked who? for help to force mine owners to negotiate with the miners? What is a process of resolving conflict in which both sides agree to accept the decision of a third party Who said “in the past, we have admitted the right of the individual to injure the future of the Republic for its own present profit. The time has come for a change”? Congress passed the Newlands Reclamation Act which allowed money from the sale of what? to be irrigation and reclamation- the process of making damaged land productive again

14 Petrified Forest in Arizona

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