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What are the names of the four hemispheres of the earth?

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Presentation on theme: "What are the names of the four hemispheres of the earth?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What are the names of the four hemispheres of the earth?
In which two do you live?

2 Eastern, Western, Southern, Northern,
Northern, Western

3 What does a star or a dot in a circle usually mean on a map?

4 National capital

5 Which of the following is not a city: Columbus, Pennsylvania, Atlanta, or Charleston?

6 Pennsylvania

7 What is the name of the imaginary line that divides a globe into the Northern and Southern Hemisphere?

8 Equator

9 Is the tropic of Capricorn north or south of the equator?

10 South. The tropic lines mark the farthest extent of the noon sun throughout the year.

11 What does geography mean?

12 Geography is the study of the earth, including cultural, physical, and political features of people and places.

13 Name the four oceans.

14 Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic

15 What is the definition of peninsula
What is the definition of peninsula? Find an example of a peninsula on a map.

16 An area of land extending into a body of water and almost surrounded by water.

17 Which of the following is not a state: Kansas, Iowa, Washington D. C
Which of the following is not a state: Kansas, Iowa, Washington D.C. or Oregon?

18 Washington, D.C. It is on federal land that is not part of any state.

19 Is the Antarctic Circle north or south of the equator?

20 South.

21 What part of a map contains information on what the map’s symbols mean?

22 Key or legend

23 What is a continent? What are the names of the continents?

24 One of the seven large landmasses on Earth.
Asia, Africa, North and South America, Antarctica, Europe, Australia

25 Which ocean is the second largest in the world?

26 Atlantic

27 Which hemisphere, Northern or Southern, has more of its area covered by water?

28 Southern

29 Which states of the United States border the largest ocean?

30 The pacific Ocean borders California, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska, and completely surrounds Hawaii.

31 Locate the Gulf of Mexico and the Gulf of Alaska on your map
Locate the Gulf of Mexico and the Gulf of Alaska on your map. What is a gulf?


33 What are some of the challenges of living on an island?

34 Access to affordable goods and services is one of the biggest challenges.

35 Name the African countries through which the tropic of Cancer passes.

36 Morocco, Mali, Niger, Libya, and Egypt

37 What is the capital of Missouri, a state admitted to the Union in 1821?

38 Jefferson City

39 What do these countries have in common: Egypt, Israel, Syria, Greece, Italy, Spain Algeria, Libya?

40 They are on the Mediterranean Sea.

41 Through which three countries in South America does the equator pass?

42 Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador

43 Of the four oceans of the world, which in the largest in terms of area
Of the four oceans of the world, which in the largest in terms of area? The smallest?

44 Largest- Pacific: smallest-Arctic

45 Which continent has the fewest nations?

46 Antarctica; it has no nations.

47 What is the capital of the New England state that has a hook of land jutting out into the Atlantic Ocean?

48 Boston, Massachusetts.

49 How many continents does the equator cross
How many continents does the equator cross? What are those continents in order of land area from largest to smallest?

50 Three; Asia, Africa, South America
Three; Asia, Africa, South America. Africa has more land area on the equator than either of the two.

51 Find the capital of your state on a map
Find the capital of your state on a map. Is it easy for citizens in all parts of the state to reach?

52 How many countries are in Central America?

53 Seven: Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama

54 What is the capital of the state whose southwestern border is Colorado and eastern border is Iowa?

55 Lincoln, Nebraska

56 Is Mexico part of the North or South American continent?

57 North American continent

58 Which of these is the name of a country: Chicago, Los Angeles, Canada, Miami?

59 Canada

60 What city on the Mississippi River is the capital of Minnesota?

61 St. Paul

62 What are the five Great Lakes?

63 Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, Ontario (in order of size)

64 In what building is the office of the president of the United States
In what building is the office of the president of the United States? In what city is it located?

65 The White House; Washington, D.C.

66 What South American country lies along the Pacific coast to the west of Argentina?

67 Chile

68 Pretend there is an interest in moving the United States capital to a more central location. What would be a good place for it?

69 What is the largest state in the U.S.?

70 Alaska

71 Where do rivers begin, or have their sources: in oceans, mountains or lakes?

72 In mountains and/or lakes.

73 What is the difference between a bay and a peninsula?

74 A peninsula is land that extends into a body of water, while a bay is an arm or a body of water that extends into land.

75 What is the capital of Indiana, a state that joined the Union in 1816?

76 Indianapolis

77 How many of the fifty states are on the North American continent?

78 49

79 Is there more water or land on Earth?

80 Water (70 percent)

81 If you traveled from Colorado to Mississippi, would the elevation increase or decrease?

82 decrease

83 List the continents in order of size, largest to smallest.

84 Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, Australia
(Asia is over 6,000,000 square miles larger than Africa, the second largest)

85 Many of the world’s great cities are located near an ocean, a deep river, or a large lake. Why, do you think, this is so?

86 Find the state that borders Lakes Superior, Michigan, and Huron.

87 Michigan

88 Name the longest mountain range in the U.S.

89 Rocky Mountains 3,000 miles

90 Which states in the United States border another country?

91 Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California; Alaska, Washington, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine

92 Mount McKinley has an elevation of 20,320 feet
Mount McKinley has an elevation of 20,320 feet. In what state is it located?

93 Alaska

94 If you didn’t understand a symbol on a map, where would you look?

95 Key or legend

96 Name two great mountain chains, one in the western United States and one in the eastern United States.

97 Western- Rocky Mountains; Eastern – Appalachian Mountains.

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