Short Stories Aug. 30. Thinker Write a paragraph that starts and ends with the word evil.

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Presentation on theme: "Short Stories Aug. 30. Thinker Write a paragraph that starts and ends with the word evil."— Presentation transcript:

1 Short Stories Aug. 30

2 Thinker Write a paragraph that starts and ends with the word evil.

3 The Minister’s Black Veil By Nathaniel Hawthorne

4 Themes: Alienation and loneliness Doubt and ambiguity Guilt and innocence Moral corruption/Sin

5 Things to think about: (1) the first appearance of Hooper wearing the veil at the Sunday morning services. (2) Hooper's appearances at the funeral and at the wedding on the same Sunday; (3) the unsuccessful effort of a deputation from the congregation, and of Elizabeth, his fiancee, to reason with him about the veil; (4) a summary picture of Hooper's life from the time of these efforts to his death; (5) the deathbed scene. Hooper’s final words.

6 Assignment: Create a found poem. A found poem is a form of poetry which uses the words or phrases from existing writing, and cuts, pastes, and reorganizes them, creating a completely new and original piece of writing. To create a Found Poem, readers select and combine memorable words and phrases from a text to create or "find" a poem

7 Example from Frankenstein If you read Chapter 4 of Frankenstein, you will see each and every phrase. FROM CHAPTER FOUR OF FRANKENSTEIN BOLD QUESTION Whence did the principle of life proceed? Alone In one pursuit - The pursuit of knowledge I found continual food for discovery and wonder, Alone Labor and fatigue My soul occupation The energy of my purpose alone sustained me. When did the principle of life proceed? Lifeless matter Profane fingers Food for the worms Corruption of the body From the midst of darkness, a sudden light broke in upon me. Secret knowledge The summit of my desires Supreme delight Alone A slow fever Nervous Shunned Guilty I AM NOT A MADMAN.

8 How to: Use the text of ‘The Minister’s Black Veil.’ You may use the narrator’s narration, character’s dialogue, or any part of both. Focus on descriptive techniques by selecting words that bring vivid images to mind. Select words and phrases that contain poetic effects such as alliteration and rhyme. Select words and phrases and use them creatively in any way that moves you. Remember your poem will focus on explicating a theme from the story.

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