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Big Beasts and Little Beasts Literacy Riddles Explanation texts (Linked to Science life cycles) Dinosaur stories How To Grow A Dinosaur (Science Link –

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Presentation on theme: "Big Beasts and Little Beasts Literacy Riddles Explanation texts (Linked to Science life cycles) Dinosaur stories How To Grow A Dinosaur (Science Link –"— Presentation transcript:

1 Big Beasts and Little Beasts Literacy Riddles Explanation texts (Linked to Science life cycles) Dinosaur stories How To Grow A Dinosaur (Science Link – Plants) Story writing/Drama DT Create our own dinosaur. Favourite foods, friends, enemies, footprint Design a Dinosaur seed packet. (Literacy/Science Link) Design and make a dinosaur moving picture. Science Identify a number of plants and animals in the local environment. State where some of these were found. Produce a record showing the living things they saw and where they were found. Identify the difference between two habitats and the living things found there saying whether it was what they expected. Suggest reasons for differences. State that seeds come from the flower of a plant. Recognise the huge variety of seeds from which plants grow. Produce a record of their observations and say what this shows. State that seeds grow into plants. Explain that seeds need water, but not necessarily soil, to begin to grow. Recognise that animals in the local environment produce young. Describe how one animal changes as it grows.

2 Maths Number Read and write two/three digit numbers. Write numbers in order and position them on a number line. (Include negative numbers) Use the more than/less than signs Partition numbers 100s/10s/units Partition numbers in different ways. Use partitioning to carry out calculations (Blank number line and partition and recombine) Explain the pattern for a sequence of numbers and work out the next few numbers in the list. Use sharing to work out divisions and explain what I have done. Use repeated addition to solve multiplication problems. Begin to use repeated subtraction or sharing equally to solve division problems. Fractions Find half, quarter and three-quarters of shapes and sets of objects. Instructions Follow instructions to mark a position on a grid. Maths Data Handling Answer a question by collecting and recording data in lists and tables; represent the data as block graphs or pictograms to show results; Use ICT to organise and present data Early Essentials, Handy Graph, To investigate. Use lists, tables and diagrams to sort objects; explain choices using appropriate language, including ‘not’

3 Art Observational drawings of the environment. Colour mixing. Study some of the works of Monet's Sunflowers. Children to draw their own sunflower pictures. Use different media PSHEe Describe ways of keeping safe in familiar situations. Road Safety Talk about the harmful aspects of household and medicines. Explain different ways that family and friends should care for each other. (tell a friend they like them.) Express concern for a family member who is unwell.) ICT Animation ( To animate) Use ICT to organise, classify and present information. (eg graphically) Save, print and load work. History Show knowledge and understanding of the past beyond living memory. Place events and objects in order and understand that my own life is different from the lives of people in the past. Show knowledge and understanding of the past beyond living memory.

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