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Presentation on theme: "Aggression."— Presentation transcript:

1 aggression

2 definition focus on harm not pain
can cause pain cause pain in order to help intent is crucial So…. Intentional, with aim to cause harm or pain with no benefit to target

3 Physical aggression Different from most behaviors most can express
explain arousal, explain behavior sex and aggression restricted

4 sex Cannot always express impulse rules about expression
when, where, with whom penalties for breaking rules but healthy, normal, acceptable

5 Aggression Also restricted but not normally acceptable not healthy
not generally allowed

6 Two questions What causes aggressive feelings?
what causes them to be expressed?

7 Why the impulse? Evolution yes, helpful but for women as well as men
for almost all animals

8 innate Seems to be part of human nature boys more than girls?
Physical vs. verbal

9 Problems of studying Real-world studies laboratory problems
cannot allow real aggression cannot use strong stimuli physical aggression rare hard to generalize

10 Frustration-aggression
Frustration - anger, aggressive feelings less or none when justified does not always produce actual aggression

11 cues Leonard Berkowitz guns serve as cues - maybe
Situation elicits or discourages - yes

12 Guns and murder Yes, a correlation not necessarily due to cue
mostly ease of killing

13 Learning aggression Yes, affected by rewards/punishments
also by imitation, social pressure, etc. But….

14 abusive parent produces aggressive child?
most not also abusive many abusive parents were not abused so connection is not clear link is pretty weak and best

15 Father-absent families
More juveniles in trouble with the law yet fathers are the violent ones (usually) so might expect more aggression main factor is poverty and lack of attention

16 Conclusion - what matters
Being physically abused minor factor quality of family life attachment, attention parenting in general

17 Corporal punishment??? - con
Why hit kids and no one else? Not effective - has reverse effect makes angry kids model and become aggressive

18 Corporal punishment?? - pro
Parents in unique position no evidence of bad outcomes is effective in preventing behavior parents are people also

19 also Cultures differ in acceptance how child perceives is crucial
may matter more when not accepted

20 Sub-culture Extremely important criminal, gangs, macho, etc.
Vs. education, cooperation, moral by society or parts of society

21 But remember Even in “bad” neighborhood
some are aggressive - some are not even in “good”neighborhood

22 Catharsis Acting reduces feelings? Yes
mainly when against cause of anger and this reduces aggression - probably

23 vicarious Watching reduces feelings - rarely
maybe when cause is the one being harmed then it may reduce aggression

24 Pornography and aggression

25 More porn but less violence
More explicit pornography Violent sexual crimes declined if porn causes violence, why has it declined?

26 Experimental research
Very difficult - weird situation demand equating the programs one or two programs???

27 Real-world research Magazines and rape - wrong! Macho culture
most explicit not related

28 Use by offenders and prevent crime Marshall - yes they use more
all others - no, either same or less and may use to reduce urge and prevent crime

29 Erotica almost always reduces aggression
no evidence of actual aggression desensitization?? To porn yes...

30 Ethics? Informed consent what is the rationale maybe just permission
debriefing removes it

31 TV violence and aggression
Aggressive kids watch more TV violence small correlation - .1 to .3 only 1% to 10% of variation so a relatively minor factor

32 Method - not so easy Measuring tv viewing measuring aggressiveness

33 They are correlated Must ask why?

34 experiments Gives permission to be aggressive? Endorses the program?
Hard to measure aggression in lab why is this program being shown? Gives permission to be aggressive? Endorses the program?

35 Field studies Measure TV violence and aggression at time one
measure again later look for effect

36 If TV causes aggression

37 If no causal effect

38 Video games yes – correlation Is it causal? Hard to study
Experiments unrealistic

39 Explain the correlation
Personality - some are aggressive they act aggressively and like violent media same as with boys and girls

40 Social explanation Single parents, poor family
lack attention and other activities they are less happy - more aggressive they have less to do - watch more tv etc. they are monitored less - more violent tv

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