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Latin American Revolution Colonies in the New World claim their rights.

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1 Latin American Revolution Colonies in the New World claim their rights

2 Revolution in Haiti Originally known as Saint Dominque, Haiti was a French colony 500,000 slaves inhabit the island (or at least half) – Lived at the bottom of the social structure – Worked on plantations – They completely outnumber the whites on the island – Whites are extremely brutal to the slaves

3 Fight for Freedom Finally the slaves (mostly Africans) see they greatly outnumber the oppressors (read: whites) August 1791 war for independence starts – African Priest Boukman calls for Revolution – Within a few days 100,000 slaves rise up – Their leader… Toussaint L’Ouverture

4 L’Ouverture Trained by the French army Was great at the art of diplomacy L’Ouverture = opening (in French) He receives this last name due too his ability on the battle field to find “openings” in the enemy's lines WHY: does he need a last name?

5 Long Story Short L’Ouverture has stunning victories By 1801 he has taken all of Haiti and is moving into Spanish held Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic today) French send in troops to stop him L’Ouverture states he will stop if slavery ends in Haiti French agree but… they end up breaking the agreement and sending L’Ouverture to a French prison where he dies in less then 10 months

6 Haiti L’Ouverture is gone but his second in command takes up the fight Jean-Jacques Dessalines declares independence in 1804 This is the first “Black” colony to break away from Europe, but not the last

7 Latin America (L.A.) L.A. was organized into class via birth 1.Peninsulares 2.Creoles 3.Mestizos 4.Mulattos 5.Natives (Indians)

8 Peninsulares and Creoles Peninsulares: – Born in Spain (Spain is a Peninsula hence the name) – They were the only group that could hold high office in the gov – Why? Because they would stay loyal to Spain, hence the colony would stay loyal to Spain Creoles: – Spanish born in L.A. – Could not hold high office – Could rise in rank in the army

9 Peninsulares and Creoles Both held all the power and wealth in colonies They controlled the rest of the populations

10 The Rest Mestizos = mix of European and Native Mulattos = mix of European and African Slaves = typically Africans And at the bottom… Natives = you may know them as slaves

11 Creoles Lead The Way Creoles are the least oppressed under foreign rule Had some power and wealth Many would travel to Europe to be educated What did they pick up there?

12 Creoles Lead The Way Creoles have no say in their country and they feel they should With Enlightened ideas they claim their right to rule

13 Europe Triggers L.A. Revolutions Napoleon takes over Spain in 1808 Tosses King Ferdinand Colonies feel no loyalty to Napoleon or his brother so… Power shifts from the crown to the people The door is open to take their freedom When Napoleon is exiled in 1814 Ferdinand tries to regain control but, it is too late

14 The Libertadores Two important liberators in L.A.: Simon Bolivar – Wealthy Venezuelan Creole Jose de San Martin – Modest man – Born in Argentina, but spent most of his youth in Spain

15 Bolivar’s Route to Victory Venezuela declares independence from Spain in 1811 At first Bolivar is losing, badly Twice he is sent into exile Turning point: 1819 Bolivar take 2,000 troops through the Andes to Bogota They completely took the Spanish by surprise 1821 Venezuela wins their independence

16 San Martin After Bolivar’s victory he marches south to Ecuador and meets San Martin Argentina claims independence in 1816 However, their independence is threatened from Spanish forces in Chile and Peru San Martin knows he must rid Spanish forces to secure Argentina’s independence

17 San Martin He leads his troops over the Andes (see a trend) to Chile He connects with Berardo O’Higgins (former viceroy of Peru) Together the two men free Chile from Spanish forces In 1821 he heads north by sea to Peru His army is too small to take Peru, but Bolivar’s forces are in the area as well With the two armies combined they have the force to take Peru and they do in 1824. The last battle for independence in S. America Side note:

18 Mexico Here mestizos and natives lead the way 1810 Miguel Hidalgo (a priest) begins the Revolution Poor but educated he believes in the ideas of the Enlightenment He gathers the villagers of Dolores and calls for a revolt Grito de Dolores (the cry of Dolores)

19 Hidalgo and Mexico The following day Hidalgo’s army of Natives (Indians) and mestizo followers march on Mexico City Soon he has an “army” of 60,000 men The Upper class of Mexico (peninsulares, creoles and the army) are terrified and come out to fight Hidalgo’s force Hidalgo is defeated in 1811, but all is not lost

20 Mexico Jose Maria Morelos – He takes up the fight after Hidalgo – For the next 4 years he fights for independence – In 1815 he is dealt the “death blow,” being defeated by a creole named Agustin de Iturbid

21 True Independence for Mexico Events in Mexico take an odd turn in 1820 Revolution in Spain causes fear among the elite Creoles fear they will lose all their power so… They join the fight for independence Agustin de Iturbide makes peace with the rebels (mestizos and Natives) and claims independence in 1821

22 True Independence for Mexico Mexico rules over all of Central America Once Mexico gains it’s independence (via Iturbide) Central America wants independence fro Mexico This happens but… Iturbide fights it claiming himself emperor only to be overthrown in 2 years When he is gone independence is granted to C. America

23 Brazil No blood was shed in this revolution 1807 Napoleon is marching to Portugal to subdue their trade (remember the Continental System?) As Napoleon nears Lisbon (capital of Portugal) the royal family flees by ship Where do they go?

24 Brazil Once the royal family arrives in Brazil it becomes the center of Portugal’s empire However, when Napoleon is defeated in 1815 the royal family moves back to Portugal and the power slowly moves with them Brazil cannot become a colony again after the importance they felt of 14 years They ask King John’s son (through a petition) to take over, and he does in 1822 giving Brazil it’s independence

25 Independence Brings Trouble Independence brings: – Poverty – Destroys: Trade, cities, and the countryside With all of these problems L.A. quickly falls apart. Places that once thought they would unite to create grand republics fracture into smaller units We will see this same process take place in Europe

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