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Final task: Design, create and run a successful market stall at our World Market in December.

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Presentation on theme: "Final task: Design, create and run a successful market stall at our World Market in December."— Presentation transcript:

1 Final task: Design, create and run a successful market stall at our World Market in December


3 Use metacognitive strategies to improve your reading, writing, speaking and math skills Create and refer to criteria Set personal goals Create an action plan Reflect and evaluate before setting new goals

4 Language Arts Writing (Meaning) To write purposeful information texts to: Explore and respond Compare and contrast Record and describe Analyse and explain Persuade Writing (Style) Sentence variety Effective word choice Writing (Form) Organization that includes a pursposeful sequence (lead, logical development and conclusion)

5 Speaking and Listening Apply the features of oral language to improve communication including: Context (audience, purpose, situation) Verbal vs. nonverbal communication Vocal techniques (Style, tone, volume)

6 Mathematics:  Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of : Whole numbers Decimals Fractions Integers (positive and negative numbers)  Properties of circles  Rate, ratio and proportional reasoning Concretely – pictorially - symbolically

7 Social Studies 8 Economy and Technology compare basic economic systems and different forms of exchange analyse the effect of commerce on trade routes, settlement patterns, and cultural exchanges describe the impact of technological innovation and science on economic structures demonstrate awareness of artistic expression as a reflection of the culture in which it is produced






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