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Personal Nutrition M. Boyle and S.L. Anderson

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1 Personal Nutrition M. Boyle and S.L. Anderson
Chapter 7: Water and Minerals Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D. Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

2 Ask Yourself Calcium is the most important mineral in human nutrition.
Milk is nature’s most nearly perfect food because it is rich in every nutrient. It is generally harder for women than for men to obtain diets that are adequate in calcium. Milk is necessary for children, but adults can find replacements for it. Sodium is bad for the body and should be avoided. F F T F F Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D. Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

3 Ask Yourself When a person becomes deficient in iron, the very first symptom to appear is anemia. Zinc is toxic in excess. Both too little and too much iodine in the diet can cause swelling of the thyroid gland, known as goiter. A diet high in salt is associated with high blood pressure in some individuals. Osteoporosis is a disease that can affect men and women at any age. F T T T T Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D. Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

4 Water— The Most Essential Nutrient
Nutrient most needed by the body. Makes up part of every cell, tissue, and organ in the body. Accounts for about 60% of body weight: Bone is more than 20% Muscle is 75 % Teeth are about 10% Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D. Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

5 Water— The Most Essential Nutrient
Minerals: small, naturally occurring, inorganic, chemical elements; the minerals serve as structural components and in many vital processes in the body. Inorganic: being or composed of matter other than plant or animal. Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D. Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

6 Water— The Most Essential Nutrient
Water performs many tasks vital to life. Water in your blood—known as plasma volume, or just continually circulates throughout your body. The recommended amount of fluid sufficient to prevent dehydration and heat stroke can be quite a bit. Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D. Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

7 Water— The Most Essential Nutrient
Heat stroke: an acute and dangerous reaction to heat buildup in the body, requiring emergency medical attention; also called sun stroke. Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D. Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

8 Water— The Most Essential Nutrient
Water enters the body in liquids and foods, and some water is created in the body as a by-product of metabolic processes. Most of the water we take in comes from juice, milk, soft drinks, and other beverages, including tap water, foods also add considerable amounts of water to the diet. *This amount equals 11⁄2 to 3 quarts (1 oz equals approximately 30 ml). Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D. Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

9 Water— The Most Essential Nutrient
Water leaves the body through the evaporation of sweat, in the moisture of exhaled breath, in the urine, and in the feces. †Adults are advised to consume 1.0 to 1.5 ml of water from all sources for each calorie expended. Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D. Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

10 Water— The Most Essential Nutrient
The makeup of water differs, variations can have significant health implications : Where it comes from How it is processed One of the most basic distinctions, hard versus soft water, is based on the concentrations of three minerals: Calcium Magnesium Sodium Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D. Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

11 Water— The Most Essential Nutrient
Hard water: water with a high concentration of minerals such as calcium and magnesium. From a health standpoint, hard water seems to be the better alternative. Soft water: water containing a high sodium concentration. The excess sodium, adds more of the mineral to our already sodium-laden diets. It dissolves potentially toxic substances such as lead from pipes. Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D. Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

12 Water— The Most Essential Nutrient
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): arm of the government responsible for monitoring municipal water supplies Water taken from the earth contains different levels of bacteria, microorganisms, and heavy metals such as lead. Some potential health threats are: A parasite called Cryptosporidium. The level of lead that comes out of your faucet (One which the EPA has little control over.) Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D. Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

13 Water— The Most Essential Nutrient
Lead usually gets into water after the water leaves the local drinking water treatment plant and makes its way through lead-containing plumbing systems. Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D. Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

14 Water— The Most Essential Nutrient
Keeping Water Safe Water taken from the earth contains varying concentrations of minerals as well as different levels of bacteria, microorganisms, and heavy metals such as lead. Surveys found about 25% of bottled water drinkers choose the beverage for health and safety reasons Another 25% believe it is pure and free of contaminants. Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D. Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

15 The Major Minerals Major mineral: an essential mineral nutrient found in the human body in amounts greater than 5 grams. Trace mineral: an essential mineral nutrient found in the human body in amounts less than 5 grams. Minerals are inorganic compounds that occur naturally in the earth’s crust. Some minerals (such as calcium) contribute to the building of body structures (such as bone). Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D. Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

16 Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D.
Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

17 The Major Minerals Cofactor: a mineral element that, like a coenzyme, works with an enzyme to facilitate a chemical reaction. Osteoporosis (OSS-tee-oh-pore-OH-sis): also known as adult bone loss; a disease in which the bones become porous and fragile. osteo = bones poros = porous Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D. Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

18 The Major Minerals Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D.
Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

19 The Major Minerals Binders: in foods, chemical compounds that can combine with nutrients (especially minerals) to form complexes the body cannot absorb. Examples of such binders are phytic (FIGHT-ic) acid, renders the calcium, iron, zinc, and magnesium in certain foods less available than they might be otherwise oxalic (ox-AL-ic) acid, also binds calcium and iron.. Milk allergy: the most common food allergy; caused by the protein in raw milk. Lactose intolerance: an inherited or acquired inability to digest lactose as a result of a failure to produce the enzyme lactase. Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D. Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

20 The Major Minerals Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D.
Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

21 The Major Minerals Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D.
Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

22 The Major Minerals Ions (EYE-ons): electrically charged particles, such as sodium (positively charged) and chloride (negatively charged). Electrolytes: compounds that partially dissociate in water to form ions; examples are sodium, potassium, and chloride. Salt: a pair of charged mineral particles, such as sodium (Na+) and chloride (Cl–), that associate together. In water, they dissociate and help to carry electric current—that is, they become electrolytes. Hypertension: sustained high blood pressure. hyper = too much tension = pressure Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D. Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

23 The Major Minerals Electrolytes
Sodium, potassium, and chloride are examples of body electrolytes. Potassium, which is usually found in the fluids inside the cells, carries a positive charge. Sodium and chloride are usually found in the fluids outside the cells. Sodium carries a positive charge. Chloride carries a negative charge. Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D. Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

24 The Major Minerals Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D.
Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

25 The Major Minerals Potassium
As the principal positively charged ion inside body cells, potassium plays a major role in maintaining water balance and cell integrity. Diuretics (dye-you-RET-ics): medications causing increased water excretion. dia = through ouron = urine Chloride The negative ion, helps in maintaining the acid–base balance. Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D. Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

26 The Major Minerals Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D.
Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

27 Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D.
Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

28 One of the characteristics of hypertension is that it has been called a “silent killer” that cannot be felt and may go undetected for years. That’s why it is crucial to have your blood pressure checked on a regular basis. Diagnosis of hypertension requires at least two elevated readings. The DASH diet—and reducing the amount of sodium consumed lowers blood pressure. Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D. Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

29 —Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH)—
Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D. Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

30 1. Adopt an eating pattern rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes, and low-fat-dairy products—similar to the DASH diet—with reduced saturated fat content. 2. Maintain a normal weight. Lose weight if you’re overweight; even losing just a few pounds can reduce blood pressure if you’re overweight. 3. Keep your sodium intake at or below recommended levels—not more than 2,400 milligrams a day. 4. Pursue an active lifestyle: Walk briskly, swim, jog, cycle, or do other moderately paced aerobic activities. Aim for at least 30 minutes of activities daily. 5. If you drink, use moderation—no more than one drink a day for women, and no more than two drinks a day for men. 6. Don’t smoke. Cigarette smoking raises blood pressure and seriously increases risk for heart disease. Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D. Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

31 Choose and Prepare Foods with Less Salt At the Supermarket:
Read the Nutrition Facts… At Home: Flavor foods with herbs, spices, etc… When Eating Out: Ask that they be prepared without added salt… Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D. Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

32 Use the following list to help you explore what herbs and spice complement specific foods:
Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D. Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

33 The Trace Minerals Hemoglobin (HEEM-oh-globe-in): the oxygen-carrying protein of the blood; found in the red blood cells. Iron-deficiency anemia: a reduction of the number and size of red blood cells and a loss of their color because of iron deficiency. (Partial list, for complete list refer to p. 222) Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D. Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

34 The Trace Minerals Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D.
Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

35 The Trace Minerals Heme (HEEM): iron the iron-holding part of the hemoglobin protein, found in meat, fish, and poultry. About 40 percent of the iron in meat, fish, and poultry is bound into heme. Meat, fish, and poultry also contain a factor (MFP factor) other than heme that promotes the absorption of iron, even of the iron from other foods eaten at the same time as the meat. Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D. Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

36 The Trace Minerals Nonheme iron: the iron found in plant foods.
Contamination iron: iron found in foods as the result of contamination by inorganic iron salts from iron cookware, iron-containing soils, and the like. Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D. Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

37 The Trace Minerals Iron overload: a condition in which the body contains more iron than it needs or can handle; excess iron is toxic and can damage the liver. The most common cause of iron overload is the genetic disorder hemochromatosis. Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D. Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

38 The Trace Minerals Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D.
Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

39 The Trace Minerals Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D.
Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

40 The Trace Minerals Goiter (GOY-ter): enlargement of the thyroid gland caused by iodine deficiency. Cretinism (CREE-tin-ism): severe mental and physical retardation of an infant caused by iodine deficiency during pregnancy. Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D. Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

41 The Trace Minerals Fluoride
Only a trace of fluoride occurs in the human body. Fluorosis (floor-OH-sis): discoloration of the teeth from ingestion of too much fluoride during tooth development. Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D. Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

42 Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D.
Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

43 The Trace Minerals Copper: involved in making red blood cells, manufacturing collagen, healing wounds, and maintaining the sheaths around nerve fibers. Chromium: works closely with the hormone insulin to help the cells take up glucose and break it down for energy. Selenium: functions as part of an antioxidant enzyme and can substitute for vitamin E in some of that vitamin’s antioxidant activities. Manganese and molybdenum: both function as working parts of several enzymes. Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D. Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

44 Slide Development: Lonnie M. Lowery, Ph.D.
Copyright 2003 Thomson Learning

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