“Certain materials are included under the fair use exemption of the U.S. Copyright Law and have been prepared according to the multimedia fair use guidelines.

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Presentation on theme: "“Certain materials are included under the fair use exemption of the U.S. Copyright Law and have been prepared according to the multimedia fair use guidelines."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Certain materials are included under the fair use exemption of the U.S. Copyright Law and have been prepared according to the multimedia fair use guidelines and are restricted from further use.”

2 Presented by Klein ISD Educational Technology Team Permission Granted to Copy for Educational Purposes. Instructional Technology Department Klein Independent School District Revised February 2004 Effective Design for Multimedia Presentation

3 Is a multimedia presentation the best way to present your information? If the answer is yes …

4 Text and Color Alignment Consistency Media Selection Making Sure the Pieces Fit!

5 Rule of Six 6 6 Six words or less on a line Six lines or less on a slide

6 Use bulleted points Use progressive disclosure No punctuation at end of bullet

7 Leave plenty of white space Provide print out of slides Use design templates

8 Use bulleted points Use progressive disclosure No punctuation at end of bullet Leave plenty of white space Provide print out of slides Use design templates

9 Use limited italics AVOID ALL CAPS Use at least a 36 point font Text Style

10 Use Bold text Use san serif fonts Use serifs fonts sparingly

11 Z How They Compare? san serif block bold serif italics plain Z t t a a

12 Color ContrastYellow or white on black

13 A change in the background color or image can be used to indicate a change in topic.

14 Text Size for Projection At 15 ’ text should be at least 1 ” in height At 30 ’ text should be at least 2 ” in height

15 Safe Image & Title Area 10% border around the edge

16 Key Graphic Design Concepts Relevancy Consistency Alignment

17 Use visuals to help break up the segments and keep the attention of your audience

18 Relevancy All graphics should be appropriate and relevant to the message.

19 Consistency Use the same color scheme Repeat visual elements Have a purpose for placing items

20 Alignment Avoid overcrowding Viewers scan left to right and top to bottom (use left alignment)

21 Formal Balance The graphic on the right is balanced with the text on the left.

22 Informal Balance This is an example of informal balance. The title and graphic in opposite corners provide balance to the slide.

23 Symmetrical Balance Folded in half either horizontally or vertically, the halves are mirror images.

24 Use the “ Rule of Thirds ”

25 Rule of Thirds Divide slide into thirds both horizontally and vertically Place “ strong center of interest ” at the intersections Chose View > Ruler and View > Guide

26 Let Conceptual Graphics Do the Talking!

27 Inspiration Web

28 Source: Market Research Units Graph Types


30 Pie Graph

31 Graph Types

32 Manager John Smith Sales Jo Smith Marketing Jeremiah Smith Distribution Justin Smith Organizational Chart

33 Final reminders! URLs should be visible Include a “ Works Cited ” slide End with a blank slide

34 References http://www.presentersonline.com/ http://presentersuniversity.com/index.cfm http://www.fno.org http://www.techtrekers.com/PP/


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