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IS IT SCIENCE OR PSEUDOSCIENCE?. PSEUDOSCIENCE (SU DOH-SCIENCE) Beliefs or practices that are mistakenly believed to be based on the scientific method.

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Presentation on theme: "IS IT SCIENCE OR PSEUDOSCIENCE?. PSEUDOSCIENCE (SU DOH-SCIENCE) Beliefs or practices that are mistakenly believed to be based on the scientific method."— Presentation transcript:


2 PSEUDOSCIENCE (SU DOH-SCIENCE) Beliefs or practices that are mistakenly believed to be based on the scientific method (but are NOT) Scientific Method: Observation Hypothesis Experiment Data Conclusion Repeatable!!!

3 Pseudoscience is like bubble gum. It tastes pretty good, it’s fun to blow bubbles, and it annoys some people. But eventually, the flavor leaves, and you find that you’re just chewing on some nutritionally dubious substance. Now you have to find a place to spit it out.


5 EVIDENCE OF PSEUDOSCIENCE: YOUR OWN PSEUDOSCIENCE DETECTOR 1.The discoverer pitches his claim directly to the media. Going to media directly bypasses the all- important peer-review process, where real scientists can evaluate whether the claim is real science.

6 EVIDENCE OF PSEUDOSCIENCE: YOUR OWN PSEUDOSCIENCE DETECTOR 2.The discoverer says that a “powerful establishment” is trying to suppress his/her work. If the powerful establishment really thought the work was valid, they would be trying to make a profit off of it.

7 EVIDENCE OF PSEUDOSCIENCE: YOUR OWN PSEUDOSCIENCE DETECTOR 3. The scientific effect is always at the very limit of detection. This is the very definition of “it doesn’t work.”

8 EVIDENCE OF PSEUDOSCIENCE: YOUR OWN PSEUDOSCIENCE DETECTOR 4. Evidence for a discovery is anecdotal (personal stories). Anecdotes are not data. More anecdotes are not data. Anecdotes are not controlled, but they are subject to all sorts of bias, such as the observer only picks anecdotes that support their belief. The problem with that is we have no idea if the anecdote is, in fact, accurate; and we ignore all the data that does not support the anecdote.

9 EVIDENCE OF PSEUDOSCIENCE: YOUR OWN PSEUDOSCIENCE DETECTOR 5. The discoverer says it is credible because it has endured for centuries. Just because it’s been around for a long time, doesn’t mean it’s credible. (Remember, for centuries people thought that the world was flat.)

10 EVIDENCE OF PSEUDOSCIENCE: YOUR OWN PSEUDOSCIENCE DETECTOR 6. Discoverer has worked in isolation. Science is a collaborative effort, because new ideas need to be subjected to the bright lights of criticism and review. If the new discovery is truly groundbreaking, others will need to repeat it and publish about it, so that unbiased observers can add the new information into the wealth of science.

11 EVIDENCE OF PSEUDOSCIENCE: YOUR OWN PSEUDOSCIENCE DETECTOR 7. The discoverer must propose new laws of nature to explain an observation. New laws of nature are developed over time through scientific consensus, not through the proclamation of a single scientist.

12 YOUR TASK Research one of these topics online. Find a site that fits the criteria for pseudoscience, and one that seems to be “true science.” Remember the nature of science! “Planet Nibiru will destroy the earth.” “Sunscreen causes cancer.” “Hydroxycut significantly decreases your BMI.” “Wheat Grass has miraculous health benefits.” “Humans have never been to the moon.” “Magnetic bracelet improve balance and strength.” Find your own pseudoscience topic.

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