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1 Enhancing the Security of Small States Presentation by Secretariat for Integral Development to Committee on Hemispheric Security March 31, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Enhancing the Security of Small States Presentation by Secretariat for Integral Development to Committee on Hemispheric Security March 31, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Enhancing the Security of Small States Presentation by Secretariat for Integral Development to Committee on Hemispheric Security March 31, 2011

2 2 Challenges Security of small states threatened by: –Exposure to external price shocks (commodities and energy) –Thin and under-developed domestic and regional markets –Vulnerability to natural hazards –Social vulnerability –Absence of adequate social safety nets –Fragile geo-physical environments

3 3 Challenges Energy price shocks ($12 pb in 1999 to $150 in 7/08 to $105 in 3/11 (Petrocaribe support) High debt to GDP ratios Impact of natural disasters on economic growth –2004 Gda (212%); JA (8%) Haiti (4.5%) Global financial shocks –Sharp declines in tourism arrivals, remittances, forex earnings and FDI –No fiscal space to respond

4 4 Debt to GDP Ratios

5 5 Strategic Approach Reduce economic, social and environmental vulnerability by strengthening economic, social and environmental resilience. Supporting: –the integration of domestic production and marketing arrangements –trade facilitation –sustainable development, (economic/environment) –sustainable energy –risk management –corporate social responsibility

6 6 Select Current Activities Social Vulnerability –PUENTE (Chile model and support - IASPN Launched in 2007; (Bdos, JA, SLU, T&T, SKN, SUR, SVG) Aims at protecting families at risk by reducing vulnerability and increasing income/security 20 + workshops/200+ stakeholders 15 + virtual training activities; Training of 20 program participants Internships in Chile

7 7 Sustainable Development Energy policies and plans in SLU, DCA, SKN, SVG, A&B (under CSEP Project) Support for power purchase agreement 5.4MW wind farm in SKN and 1.1MW wind farm in Nevis; 10MW GT plants in Nevis Energy policy forums - ECPA Energy Study Tour of Europe ECPA Clearinghouse Emergency Legislation Climate Change Adaptation Risk management and tourism

8 8 Economic Development Corporate social responsibility Support for CARICOM-Canada trade negotiations Implementation of the CARIFORUM/EU EPA Post-graduate training of trade professionals at UWI (Masters level) Enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs Tourism and disaster mitigation Young Americas Business Trust – CSR/SMEs ICTs for SMMEs Intellectual property value capture

9 9 Proposed Initiatives - DSD OAS Technical Cooperation Facility for the Caribbean (OAS/TCFC) Goal: Provide a cost-effective and responsive mechanism for south-south transfer of critical skills and expertise in sustainable development to small island states Goal: Provide a cost-effective and responsive mechanism for south-south transfer of critical skills and expertise in sustainable development to small island states

10 10 Proposed Initiatives Focus Areas of OAS/TCFC Integrated Water Resources Management Sustainable Land Management Sustainable Land Management Disaster Risk Management Disaster Risk Management Chemicals Management Chemicals Management Coastal and Marine Resources Management Coastal and Marine Resources Management Climate Change Adaptation Climate Change Adaptation Sustainable Energy Sustainable Energy ICT ICT

11 11 Proposed Initiatives DSD Reduce Risk of Critical Facilities to Natural Hazards Transfer lessons and best practice used in the CDMP and Grenada TQA projects to risk reduction of critical social and economic infrastructure. –Strengthen the legal and institutional underpinnings for effective risk reduction through the development of legally-supported occupational standards for contractors, subcontractors and tradesmen; –train relevant personnel to develop risk profiles for critical public facilities.

12 12 Proposed Initiatives - DSD Hazard-Resilient Housing in the Caribbean ($6M) Preventing Land Degradation through Sustainable Land Management ($6M) Greening Government Operations Support improvements in Governance within the water sector to better cope with natural hazard shocks ($2M) Build Capacity Building for Effective Management of Chemicals through a cradle-to-the-grave approach ($2 million) Building community resilience to a changing climate ($6M)

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