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Working Group Feedback EDR Replacement. Where are we now? Inconsistent deployment and practice. Wide variation in the value placed on the process by managers.

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Presentation on theme: "Working Group Feedback EDR Replacement. Where are we now? Inconsistent deployment and practice. Wide variation in the value placed on the process by managers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working Group Feedback EDR Replacement

2 Where are we now? Inconsistent deployment and practice. Wide variation in the value placed on the process by managers and employees.

3 What are the problems? The standard template does not suit every business unit. Managers and employees do not understand the process, its purpose or its value. Difficulties in agreeing and implementing Personal Development Plans. Uncertainty as to the role of reviewers. Managers do not have time.

4 Some solutions Some business units have devised their own templates. Use of an informal review midway in the year to check progress – especially for the PDP. Establish a clear link with the unit business plan. ED&R forms part of continuous process of contact and communication. Having a dedicated Training and Development Officer.

5 What do we need to do to improve? Improve understanding of the benefits of an effective ED&R process. The ED&R process must reflect the requirements of the service and needs of the employee. Support managers and employees to implement a revised scheme. Identify development and training as priorities in budgets and business plans. Ensure ED&R is implemented and monitored across all services.

6 How do we get there? Develop a more robust ED&R process which encompasses core skills, competencies and behaviours and which adequately reflects the needs of the service. Promote the revised process by effective communication using practical examples of where it has been successfully implemented. Provide additional support to service areas where the process has not been successful. Put in place effective procedures for monitoring and evaluation – managers and employees must be accountable.

7 Outcomes All employees will have a PDP proportionate to the needs of the job, reflecting the actions agreed with their manager. Employees will know what is expected of them in terms of skills, behaviour and competencies and how they will be helped to develop and achieve. Employees will be able to see how the outcomes of the process have benefited their development and that of the organisation.

8 ED&R is not seen as an isolated event but is part of regular communication with and development of staff. An effective monitoring process that enables Directors/Heads of Service to check that an appropriate ED&R process is being followed in all services. Clear evidence of an improvement in service. Outcomes (cont)

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