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1 1 NMA LeaderLab APPRENTICE AUDITION DEFINE YOUR PRODUCT AND CUSTOMERS DEVELOP YOUR APPLICATIONS SELECT YOUR PRODUCTION AND SALES APPROACH Try out your visionary, organizational, teamwork and communications skills in a new business environment, and compete against other groups for a simulated slot on the APPRENTICE TEAM TV Show… May the best team win! NMA… THE Leadership Development Organization 2210 Arbor Blvd. Dayton, OH 45349 937-294-0421 Web Site: LeaderLab CEU Code 05002LL.1 CEU

2 2 NMA LeaderLabs Credits: Developed by Pete Kurzhals, and field-tested by the Boeing Anaheim Leadership Association, Boeing Aerospace Leadership Chapter, and San Luis Obispo City Employees Chapter. NMA provides the following presentation solely for the use of NMA chapters. It is copyrighted and only active NMA chapters have permission to present the following materials. Copyright © 2006, by National Management Association, Dayton, OH NMA…THE Leadership Development Organization, Dayton, Ohio

3 3 NMA LeaderLab Scenario After extensive reviews and background checks, your team has been selected as a candidate participant in Donald Trumps new TV show APPRENTICE TEAM. This show pits competing teams against each other in a series of increasingly difficult tasks, with losing teams dismissed with the now famous Trump quote Youre fired. The last team to survive this grueling experience will be hired by one of Trumps companies at an annual salary of $150,000 per team member, and will be given the opportunity to start its own business. To qualify as a participant on APPRENTICE TEAM, your team must first successfully demonstrate its ability to implement and sell its product. Each of the competing teams will be assigned a product, and you have the next 20 minutes to put together a implementation plan for your product. You will also need to select a LEADER who will then brief your plan and an OBSERVER who will take notes on and summarize the team planning process. Before beginning, the team must unanimously select its LEADER and OBSERVER. The team must then assign tasks to define its anticipated applications and market including expected customer types; to select an appropriate advertising slogan and campaign for its product, and to decide where and how its product should be manufactured and sold. Teams will be judged on the originality of their ideas, and on their potential effectiveness in a real-world market. Each team LEADER will be allocated 3 minutes to brief the teams implementation plan with answers for all above tasks; and each team OBSERVER will have 2 minutes to summarize the process the team used to develop its recommendations. There will be a hard cutoff at the end of 5 minutes. The facilitator will take the last 5 minutes to comment on each teams plan and and process. Teams who fail to make the grade will hear the dreaded Youre fired; and teams which meet all of Trumps exacting criteria will be hired to go on to the actual TV competition. So good luck to all of you…youll need that and a lot more to make it to the show! Theme LL #2APPRENTICE AUDITIONSelling with Substance S cenario: C hallenge: O perations: R eports: E valuation:

4 4 NMA LeaderLab Product Description To keep the competition fair, all teams will be assigned the same product which is being planned through a joint venture of Trump Enterprises, Microsoft, Dell Computers and Google Earth. This product – expected to sell for $499 – will integrate a 3 x 5 Pocket Personal Computer from Dell, specifically tailored mapping software from Microsoft, and a wireless link to Google Earth to enable focused display of satellite imagery. Associated 3-D pictures for this TRUMP WORLD device can be called up by typing in an associated street address (or latitude and longitude); and a zooming button allows the user of this shirt-pocket-size gadget to go from an initial view of 3x5 miles to a high resolution picture of 300 x 500 feet which shows objects as small as 3 feet. By linking the device to a laptop, the device view can be directed to a point on the laptop screen map, using the included mapping software and the laptop touchpad cursor, to enable scanning of any area of interest. The associated capability provides a user the ability to see any place anywhere in the world, and potentially could usher in a host of associated applications. Your job is to come up with an implementation plan for this device which addresses all the specified challenge tasks…so START NOW! Check out for a product tour of the satellite imagery. NMA…THE Leadership Development Organization, Dayton, Ohio

5 5 NMA LeaderLab Example Images City View Residential View Industrial View Scenic View NMA…THE Leadership Development Organization, Dayton, Ohio

6 6 NMA LeaderLab Prizes Runner-up Teams Top Team NMA…THE Leadership Development Organization, Dayton, Ohio

7 7 NMA LeaderLab Apprentice Secrets THINK BIG in selecting applications and customers ESTABLISH PROJECT TEAM to guide solutions TAKE RISKS to achieve maximum gains COMMUNICATE EFFECTIVELY to sell your project Evolve unique products and target a continuously increasing market base to enable business success…. Assign and track task responsibilities, consult/involve diverse views and stress both team and personal progress…. Pursue innovative ideas, adopt novel approaches and go for the big wins…. Involve top management, use simple concepts and messages, and answer all attacks…. Use these lessons in your work to ensure success… NMA…THE Leadership Development Organization, Dayton, Ohio

8 8 NMA LeaderLab Facilitator Hints Project the LeaderLab (LeaderLab) cover page while you check in the participants, who should be asked to arrive 10 minutes early. Assign each team a number (Team 1-5) by location, then go through the LL instructions and make sure all teams (and you) adhere to the designated time allocation for each LL section. Begin by passing out hard copies of the Scenario, Product Images, and Prizes charts to all participants before you go over these charts on the screen. After taking reports from each of the teams, use the following approach to provide feedback. There obviously is no way that all the challenge questions can be adequately addressed by the groups as a whole. Accordingly, the key to this challenge is the delegation of each of the three major questions, i.e. 1.Define the anticipated applications and market, including expected customers; 2.Select an appropriate slogan and advertising approach for the product; and 3.Decide how and where the product should be manufactured and sold. After assigning each question to one (or more) team members, the LEADER must continuously communicate with each of the question assignees to keep them on the common track and within their 20 minute time limit. Concurrently, the LEADER must extract the information he will need for his or her report, and make sure that there is an answer for each element of each question. You should assess the performance of each team by using the following criteria and the enclosed score sheet: 1.Does the team have an answer for each element of each question? 2.Are the answers reasonably consistent and do they make sense? 3.Were the team results effectively presented? 4.Did the team follow an effective process in developing its answers? Teams which score a NO on any of these questions will be FIRED. Teams which score a YES on all four questions will be HIRED as participants to complete on the APPRENTICE TEAM show, and will have a chance to be hired by Trump Enterprises. Before you provide your feedback, pass out the LeaderLab evaluation forms and make sure you collect the completed forms at the end of the session. Conclude the session by reviewing the associated top-level and local business LeaderLab lessons. After these have been covered, announce the outcome for each team using the results and observations from the Score Notes and Sheet. Finally, pick an overall chapter-team winner to receive the Don Trump doll, and suggest that each member of that team keep the doll for one month before passing it on to another team member. The top team for all other participating chapters will receive a copy of 10 Secrets I Learned from the APPRENTICE. Once again, each runner-up team member should pass this book on to another team member once he or she has absorbed these secrets. NMA…THE Leadership Development Organization, Dayton, Ohio

9 9 NMA LeaderLab Score Notes REF: These rows provide one example of the possible elements of a successfully-completed business plan. NMA…THE Leadership Development Organization, Dayton, Ohio

10 10 NMA LeaderLab Score Sheet REF:These rows provide one example of the possible elements of a successfully-completed business plan. Any team with a score of 90 or higher is HIRED.

11 11 LeaderLab Evaluation Form PLEASE CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX ExcellentGoodFairPoor 1.The overall LeaderLab program 2.Appropriate use of the materials that made learning easy and enjoyable 3.Opportunity to exchange experiences and ideas with others 4.Length of LeaderLab relative to its objectives and meeting your needs 5.Applicability to your responsibilities, needs, and roles at home, work, and elsewhere 6.What is the most important thing you learned during the LeaderLab? 7.Which part of the LeaderLab was of MOST VALUE to you? Why? 8.Which part of the LeaderLab was of LEAST VALUE to you? Why? 9.What suggestions for improvement do you have for future LeaderLabs? Check one Your comments and suggestions are very important to us. Please take a few moments to reflect on your experiences at the LeaderLab. Your input will help us to continue to provide professional quality services and maximize learning during the future LeaderLabs. YesNo Did the facilitator(s)… Keep the sessions moving and interesting? Speak at a level that could be easily heard and understood by everyone? Keep the discussions constructive, crisp, and well controlled? Practice good facilitation skills?


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