Cultural Heritage in REGional NETworks REGNET Standards.

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1 Cultural Heritage in REGional NETworks REGNET Standards

2 27 March 2003REGNET Final Project Review 2 Web browser Business server Business components XML Periperal XMLmodelingPublicationXMLInteraction Mainframe SGBD Legacy ERP SCM External application XMLintegration Other distribution system XMLexchanges A first look at the big picture

3 27 March 2003REGNET Final Project Review 3 Standards 1/2 XSLT (eXtensible Stylesheet Language - Transformation) used to define XML document transformation rules in particular, to define how an XML document should be transformed into HTML to be presented XLL = Xlink + XPointer used to define links among documents or part of a document used for browsing (as hypertext in HTML) used to go beyond the hierarchical model of structured documents XPath sub-norm standardizing the common part of XSLT and XPointer used to uniformly express browsing paths within XML documents

4 27 March 2003REGNET Final Project Review Standards 2/2 XML Schema (Candidate Release) Most advanced W3C proposition to serve as a successor to DTDs for expressing XML document structure Overcomes DTD limitations in terms of expressing constraints on XML elements XSLFO (eXtensible Stylesheet Language – Formatting Objects) Real stylesheet language (as CSS) Used to express physical representation constraints by defining and introducing specific presentation XML elements

5 27 March 2003REGNET Final Project Review 5 Technical/General Standards OAI – PMH Z39.50 (ZNG) XML SOAP / WSDL Touchgraph

6 27 March 2003REGNET Final Project Review 6 Summary Metadata Dublin Core AMICO Music-XML EAD ISAD(G) Knowledge XTM (Topic Map) Thesaurus (ISO Standard) eBusiness ebXML catXML

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