Possibility in Digital Collection Management Introduction to CONTENTdm TM Hitoshi Kamada University of Arizona Presentation for OCLC-CJK Users Group Annual.

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Presentation on theme: "Possibility in Digital Collection Management Introduction to CONTENTdm TM Hitoshi Kamada University of Arizona Presentation for OCLC-CJK Users Group Annual."— Presentation transcript:

1 Possibility in Digital Collection Management Introduction to CONTENTdm TM Hitoshi Kamada University of Arizona Presentation for OCLC-CJK Users Group Annual Meeting Chicago, IL., April 2005

2 CONTENTdm: Overview Allows organizations to create and manage digital collections Developed by DiMeMa, Inc., distributed by OCLC What you need: CONTENTdm server and workstation Captures, indexes, stores, queries, displays Supports text, images, video, audio

3 CONTENTdm: Overview View digitized objects on the web browser Customizable web interface: Appearance (templates) Default display options Custom query (pre-defined query) Archive full-resolution images

4 Example: University of Utah

5 Example: University of Nevada, Las Vegas

6 University of Arizona: Arizona-Sonora Documents Online

7 View Document Image

8 View Document Description

9 How It Works: Acquisition Station

10 How It Works: Collection Administration

11 Enhance Access to Collection Ability to add your CONTENTdm metadata to WorldCat, providing global access to your rich resources WorldCat maps between MARC21 and Dublin Core Can be an Open Archives Repository by allowing metadata to be harvested on OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) -- protocol to transfer metadata from one archive to another)

12 By selecting the Access link, the user is taken to the digital image/picture – just what was needed.

13 Image displayed from librarys CONTENTdm digital collection

14 Metadata and Portability Flexible text metadata fields to enable cross collection searching Format based on Dublin Core; default is Dublin Core Simple Can manage descriptive, administrative, and preservation metadata Can import controlled vocaburary or create your own Can export metadata (tab-delimited, SGML/DTD – for OCLC SiteSearch, and XML

15 Metadata Fields

16 Possibility for CJK Collections? Currently no CJK support, but possible if there is sufficient demand Is there good use of this for East Asian libraries? Some issues might be: How CJK metadata will look like? Can they be like MARC (linking fields – roman and non-roman scripts)? OCLC plans to sell this overseas??

17 Sources: "CONTENTdm: The Basics" presentation by Christine Peterson, Amigos Library Services, Inc. ; "Using CONTENTdm to Enrich WorldCat" presentation by OCLC; materials copyrighted by DiMeMa and distributed by OCLC Further Product Information http://contentdm.com

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