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NANPA Oversight Working Group Status Report to the NANC November 27, 2001 Chair Pat Caldwell.

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Presentation on theme: "NANPA Oversight Working Group Status Report to the NANC November 27, 2001 Chair Pat Caldwell."— Presentation transcript:

1 NANPA Oversight Working Group Status Report to the NANC November 27, 2001 Chair Pat Caldwell

2 November 27, 2001 NOWG Status Report to the NANC 2 Overview 2001 NANPA Performance Review –Survey Future Meeting Schedule

3 November 27, 2001 NOWG Status Report to the NANC 3 Proposed 2001 NANPA Performance Feedback and Report Proposed Performance Feedback Survey –Format revised –Considered suggestions from NANPA –Added rating category More than Met –Added NRUF section –Changed contact information to current leadership Requesting NANC approval (e-mailed 11/1/01)

4 November 27, 2001 NOWG Status Report to the NANC 4 2001 Performance Review (cont.) Schedule 12/1Deliver to Associations and others for distribution 12/1Survey Distribution to industry and regulators 1/30Survey return cut-off date 2/4-8NANPA Operational Review 5/6NOWG Report to NANC 5/21NANC Review and Approval

5 November 27, 2001 NOWG Status Report to the NANC 5 NOWG Meeting Schedule 11/29Conference Call 10:00 Eastern 1/17Conference Call 11:00 Eastern 2/4-8Operational Review – Concord, CA 2/18-22Performance Analysis – TBD 3/13-15Performance Analysis – DC (USTA) 4/15-19Performance Report - TBD

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