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NANPA Oversight Working Group Report to the NANC October 17, 2000 Co-Chairs Pat Caldwell & Karen Mulberry.

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Presentation on theme: "NANPA Oversight Working Group Report to the NANC October 17, 2000 Co-Chairs Pat Caldwell & Karen Mulberry."— Presentation transcript:

1 NANPA Oversight Working Group Report to the NANC October 17, 2000 Co-Chairs Pat Caldwell & Karen Mulberry

2 October 17, 2000 NOWG Status Report to the NANC 2 Overview NANPA Enterprise Service Fees 1999 NANPA Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) 2000 NANPA Performance Survey Status of Next NANPA Technical Requirements Meeting Schedule

3 October 17, 2000 NOWG Status Report to the NANC 3 NANPA Enterprise Service Fees NOWG did not receive concise list of reports and prices per NANC directive, therefore unable to make any definitive recommendation at this time. –NANPA did indicate that they would work with the states to determine the list and report back to the NOWG the end of October with the results. –NANPA reaffirmed the price schedule distributed at the September NANC, e.g., $25 Historical and $175/hour for custom reports. –Concern expressed due to exposure of proprietary data to temps. NOWG was told in February that the new NANPA CO Code Administration system (CAS) is designed to track data for the purpose of producing reports.

4 October 17, 2000 NOWG Status Report to the NANC 4 1999 NANPA PIP Significant concern expressed with NANPA Numbering News content. –Includes pooling –References to NeuStar and pooling websites CAS System delivery is late according to date reported to NOWG in February. –Section 10, Findings and Conclusions NANPA Tactical Performance, page 44 –Lockheed NANPA response page 14.

5 October 17, 2000 NOWG Status Report to the NANC 5 2000 NANPA Performance Survey WG modifying NANPA survey content and rating scale: Initiated inquiry to include State questions Directly tie survey content to NANPA Requirements / Guidelines Redesign rating scale to only four ratings 1.Does not meet 2.Sometimes Meets 3.Meets 4.Exceeds Revised survey permits better qualitative input and data analysis

6 October 17, 2000 NOWG Status Report to the NANC 6 Status Next NANPA Technical Requirements Identified key areas to cover and created a straw based on 1K pooling document Assigned sections for individuals to populate Items requiring further direction : –Question for the FCC Should we design this document assuming a firm, fixed price bid? –Assumption for NANC verification The NOWG is not planning to write the NBANC technical requirements document. Will the CRWG be doing that?

7 October 17, 2000 NOWG Status Report to the NANC 7 NOWG Meeting Schedule 2000 October 18 th 1:30 pm to October 19 th 3:00 pm at USTA, Washington DC October 30-31 at WorldCom in Denver November 6 Conference Call November 29-30 at WorldCom in Washington DC

8 October 17, 2000 NOWG Status Report to the NANC 8 NOWG Meeting Schedule 2001 January 17-19 in Washington DC February 6-8 in Concord CA February 21-22 in Washington DC March 26-30 in Dallas April 18-19 in Washington DC April 30-May 4 in Southern CA May 23-25 in Washington DC June 20-22 in Washington DC

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