Institut Software- und Systemtechnik Fraunhofer ISST Chaining Façades: Higher Efficiency in evolution-enabled Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) 10th.

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2 Institut Software- und Systemtechnik Fraunhofer ISST Chaining Façades: Higher Efficiency in evolution-enabled Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) 10th GI & GIS Workshop Presentation Dr. Roland M. Wagner Fraunhofer-Institut für Software- und Systemtechnik Berlin/Dortmund June 23rd, 2004

3 Institut Software- und Systemtechnik Fraunhofer ISST Dr. Roland Wagner, Presentation Overview 3. Chaining Approach 1. Chaining Concept vs. Functionalities 4. Generalization 2. Requirements 5. Conclusion 6. Outlook: Applications

4 Institut Software- und Systemtechnik Fraunhofer ISST Dr. Roland Wagner, 1.1. Chaining Concept vs. Application Functionality Chaining (…is needed for these...) Usage of References rather than single Metadata Entries (example: pricing model in tag) Add onlineResource Class to Metadata (19115) or getcapabilitities (OGC, BSM) … Functionalities Web Pricing & Ordering Service (WPOS) Web Authentication & Authorization Service (WAAS) Monitoring Optimization

5 Institut Software- und Systemtechnik Fraunhofer ISST Dr. Roland Wagner, 1.2. History: Chaining Concept and Functionality First presentation of the need and requirements at the OGC meeting in Liège, March 2001 Presentation of approach and concepts at the OGC meeting inLondon, June 2002 Invited Expert for INSPIRE MeetingLondon, June 2002 Discussion Paper OGC Doc: 02-39r1 L.A., Dec 2002 WPOS HTTP POST profile2003 Experience and Proof through multiple (paid) projects (LGB, LDS NRW, Ordnance Survey,..) 2003/04 GDI.NRW released WPOS SpecMay/June 2004 OGC Meeting State-of-the-art Southampton 2004

6 Institut Software- und Systemtechnik Fraunhofer ISST Dr. Roland Wagner, 1.3. Need: SDI is Infrastructure or Bridge Building Environment BEnvironment A Encoding: jpg,GML,... Data Access Service: WMS,WFS,.. Company ACompany B Security Service: WAAS eBusiness Service: WPOS

7 Institut Software- und Systemtechnik Fraunhofer ISST Dr. Roland Wagner, 2.1. Geo-eBusiness Workflow and Standards 1a.) Find with Meta-data (ISO, OGC) 1b.) Find with Mapping (WMS) 2.) Authentication & Authorization (WAAS) 3.) Pricing & Ordering (WPOS) 4.) Data Generation & Integration (WFS, WCS, WCTS...) State-of-the-art Interoperability ATTENTION INTER- OPERABILITY TRAP!

8 Institut Software- und Systemtechnik Fraunhofer ISST Dr. Roland Wagner, 2.2. Need for an interoperable Security (WAAS) and e- Business (WPOS) Solution ?! WMS Service Interface WMS Service Interface WMS Service Interface Company A Company B WPOS ? No Interference with data stream protocol Cascading Support Support different Data- Protocols (WMS, WFS,..) Implementation independent (No Vendor Specific Parameter) Interface WMS Client WAAS ? WPOS ?WAAS ?

9 Institut Software- und Systemtechnik Fraunhofer ISST Dr. Roland Wagner, 2.3. Requirements for Pricing & Ordering within a SDI no geo-data protocol interference, e.g. WMC WMS, WMS will never understand e.g. getPrice implementation independent no data service enhancement necessary but price calculation, ordering and accounting of requested geo-data support of additional configuration parameter, e.g. WMS request and configParam licenseTime multi-protocol support, e.g. WMS,WFS,WCS,… Protocol Handler and Layering

10 Institut Software- und Systemtechnik Fraunhofer ISST Dr. Roland Wagner, 3.1. Protocol Handler: Chaining with Functionally Layer WM Client Interface WM Service Interface 1a 1b Client Service 3j3f 3i3g 3h WM : OGC Web Mapping WPO : Web Pricing & Ordering WAA : Security 2d2f2d 2e 2a 2b WPO Client WPO Service Interface 2c WMS Façade WMC Façade 3a3e 3b 3c 3d WAA Client WPOC Façade WAA Service WPOS Façade Interface

11 Institut Software- und Systemtechnik Fraunhofer ISST Dr. Roland Wagner, 3.2. Protocol Handler: Sequence WPO Client WPOS Service getPriceModel XCPF Price Model Configuration getPrice Price Okay / not orderProduct TAN Store TAN getProduct data file WM Client WMS Service getMap image file Façade Client Service Façade

12 Institut Software- und Systemtechnik Fraunhofer ISST Dr. Roland Wagner, 3.3. Protocol Handler: Cascading Case Cascading fundamental integration and distribution method in an SDI WAAS and WM Façade in Figure neglected Company D WPO-Client WPO-Service WM-Service WM-Client Transparency WPO-Service WM-Service WPO-Service WM-Service Company B User Company C

13 Institut Software- und Systemtechnik Fraunhofer ISST Dr. Roland Wagner, 3.4. Protocol Handler: Cascading Case – in Detail – WPO-Client WPO-Service WM-Service WM-Client I II Company DCompany C Company A I.) Bypassing Protocol Stream, e.g. WPOS.getPrice II.) Interacting Protocol Stream, e.g. WPOS.getProduct; WM-Client URL is pointing to WM Façade of WPOS

14 Institut Software- und Systemtechnik Fraunhofer ISST Dr. Roland Wagner, 4.1. Number of Façades for Services Chaining Zoo of Protocols: Function: WMS, WCS, WFS, WCTS, WPOS, WAAS,… Version: 1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.2.0, 2.0.0,… SubProtocol: POST, GET, SOAP,… Assumption: 6 Protocols * 2 Versions * 1.5 SubProtocols = 18 Variants Vendor1-ServiceA, Vendor2-ServiceB * m = n (open)

15 Institut Software- und Systemtechnik Fraunhofer ISST Dr. Roland Wagner, 4.2. Approach: Introduction of Façade Service Publish WPOS- Server WMS Request Pricing WMS Response 2b 2c 2d Registry Service Façade Service GetFaçadeService (OGC, WMS, v 1.1.0) FaçadeServ. URL translateRequest Service WMS- Service 1.WPOS: Unknown Protocol Request 2.Call Registry for Façade Service 3.Call Façade Service

16 Institut Software- und Systemtechnik Fraunhofer ISST Dr. Roland Wagner, 5. Conclusion: Advantages of Façades High Concentration of Protocol-/Version-specific Logic in a Façade. Clear Separation between general and specific Logic High re-usability of components (Much lower implementation efforts) Support of proprietary Services (/protocols) Adding/Removing of sub protocols in running GDI possible (e.g. Security Cracks) Automated update of distributed SDI components on-request possible WPO ClientWPO Service WMS Façade WMC Façade

17 Institut Software- und Systemtechnik Fraunhofer ISST Dr. Roland Wagner, 6. Application Outlook: Geo-eBusiness Diversity with WPOS/XCPF

18 Institut Software- und Systemtechnik Fraunhofer ISST Dr. Roland Wagner, Questions ? Statements? How do you do Geo-eBusiness Dr. Roland M. Wagner

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