Presentation of the 2006 Awards

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation of the 2006 Awards"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation of the 2006 Awards
John R. Twitchell 2006 Awards and Recognition Committee Chair * John W. Meredith President, IEEE-USA ** Russell J. Lefevre President-Elect, IEEE-USA *** Ralph W. Wyndrum, Jr. Past President, IEEE-USA

2 Special Citation Hewlett-Packard

3 Special Citation

4 Special Citation

5 Professional Achievement Award
To recognize significant and specific contributions and individual efforts in the development and implementation of professional activities in the United States

6 Professional Achievement Award
Maura Schreier-Fleming

7 Professional Achievement Award
Reza Adhami

8 Professional Achievement Award
Donald C. Loughry

9 Professional Achievement Award Maura Schreier-Fleming
Reza Adhami Donald C. Loughry

10 Regional Professional Leadership Award
To honor members in U.S. Regions for their outstanding leadership efforts in advancing the professional aims of the IEEE in the United States

11 Regional Professional Leadership Award
Carl Leonard Hussey

12 Regional Professional Leadership Award
Jim Jefferies

13 Regional Professional Leadership Award
Carl Leonard Hussey (Region 3) Jim Jefferies (Region 5)

14 Citation of Honor To honor individuals who have made exemplary contributions toward achieving the aims of professional activities in the United States

15 Citation of Honor Donald C. Herres

16 Citation of Honor Grayson W. Randall

17 Citation of Honor Donald C. Herres Grayson W. Randall

18 Precollege Education Committee Teacher-Engineer Partnership Award
To honor collaborative activities between K-12 educators and technical professionals who are IEEE members

19 Precollege Education Committee Teacher-Engineer Partnership Award
Joy Huebel & Renato Recio (Educator) (Engineer)

20 Award For Distinguished Literary Contributions
To honor outstanding journalistic efforts that contribute to the enhancement and expansion of public understanding of the engineering profession in the United States

21 Award For Distinguished Literary Contributions
WESH 2 News Dan Billow Travis Sherwin Tom Schaad Claire Metz

22 Award For Distinguished Literary Contributions
Paula S. Apsell

23 Award for Distinguished Public Service
To honor individuals not currently in the practice of engineering for furthering the professional goals of the IEEE-USA

24 Award For Distinguished Public Service
William B. Bonvillian & David J. Goldston

25 IEEE-USA Awards Ceremony Congratulations Awardees!
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. United States of America IEEE-USA Awards Ceremony Congratulations Awardees! 2 September 2007 Scottsdale, Arizona

26 The Phoenician Scottsdale, Arizona
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. United States of America IEEE-USA Afterglow (In Foyer) The Phoenician Scottsdale, Arizona

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