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The Fundamentals of Professional Development Seminars (PDS) The IEEE-USA PACE Committee September 1 st & 2 nd, 2007 Scottsdale, Arizona IEEE-USA Annual.

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Presentation on theme: "The Fundamentals of Professional Development Seminars (PDS) The IEEE-USA PACE Committee September 1 st & 2 nd, 2007 Scottsdale, Arizona IEEE-USA Annual."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Fundamentals of Professional Development Seminars (PDS) The IEEE-USA PACE Committee September 1 st & 2 nd, 2007 Scottsdale, Arizona IEEE-USA Annual Meeting

2 Executive Summary l PDS: Professional Development Seminars l Benefits: These seminars promote the professional interests of IEEE's U.S. members and provide a mechanism for communication of members' views on their professional needs. l How: The format could be conference, workshop, presentation, etc…

3 Generate the Idea l Local economic situation l Requests from several members l Receiving several inquiries about a specific topic l Attending conferences l Participating in region meetings l Discussions in Forums and Virtual Communities

4 Examples of PDS Topics l Leadership Skills l Project Management l Networking l Consulting l Career Transitions l Professional Skills l Job Fairs l PE Related Topics

5 Finding Speakers l IEEE-USA PDS Speakers l PACE and ECS Committee l Local experts l PACE Speakers l Career coaches l SBA / SCORE – Business l PMI – what is this – spell it out??? l Check Continuing Education Programs

6 Early Planning l Discuss the idea with the Section ExCom and get their approval l Place a notice in the sections newsletter announcing the PDS and request volunteers to join the Committee ( 6 month. lead time ) l Form the PDS Committee l Establish initial budget and financing l Fill out a PDS project form and submit to the Section PACE Chair for approval

7 PDS Committee Tasks l Plan Meals and Social Hour l Schedule Meeting Location l Identify and Invite Speakers l Organize Publicity l Plan CEUs and PDHs l Handle the Registration l Budget and Records (Treasurer) l Prepare Final Agenda and Prepare Handouts l Arrange Speaker Transportation

8 Potential funding Sources l Local Section l The Region l Societies/Divisions l IEEE-USA PACE Committee l Local Companies and Universities

9 Pricing – Simple Model l Determine Fixed Costs l Room l A/V l Speaker Fee(s) l Determine Variable Costs (incl. speakers) l Food l Handouts l Misc: Name tags, pens, pads

10 Typical Budget ExpensesRoom rental$300 Speaker Travel$1,000 Speaker expenses$100 Speaker meals$58 Speaker gifts$80 Publicity$200 Misc (handout, etc)$400 Meals (30 x $15)$450 TOTAL$2,588 IncomeIEEE-USA PDS$1,000 PACE Project$500 Registration (30x$25)$750 Local Section$500 TOTAL$2,750

11 Publicity l PUBLICTY, PUBLICTY, PUBLICTY !! l The sooner the better – 30-60 days! l Section Newsletter (good) l Section Email (best) l Flyer/brochure (posted) l Other groups (job support, cont ed lists) l IEEE is Educational Corporation l Advertise for CEUs / PDHs

12 Implementation l Make a final check for all details one day before the big day (Audio/ Video, handouts, etc…) l Start meeting on time l Follow the agenda l Consider meals and social hour (important for networking) l Dont overrun the allocated time for Q&A Session l Evaluation Forms: Get feedback

13 Financial Accounting & Final Report l Treasurer to follow-up with speakers to get their expense reports l Treasurer to ensure that all the local expenses are paid for l The PDS committee should get together and prepare a final report and budget for submission to all funding sources l Publish Lessons Learned

14 Example 1 l Workshop on Active Career Management l By IEEE Oregon Section and IEEE-USAs PACE Committee l 7:30Doors open l 8:00 – 9:50 Project Management – Tarek Lahdhiri l 10:00 – 10:15 Break l 10:15 – 11:15 Resumes Inside and Out – Don Hill l 11:15 – 12:15 Networking in Less Than One Hour Lee Stogner l 12:15 – 1:15 Lunch / Keynote: Career Shift; dealing with rapid and progressive changes in the US work-place Henry Gregor l 1:15 – 2:15 Career Defense in the Face of Globalization Adeeb Hamzey l 2:15 – 3:15 Career Transitions – Don Herres l 3:15 – 4:00 Discussion l Cost $25 Members, $40 non-members, $10 unemployed

15 Example 2 l Workshop on Active Career Management l Presented by Northern Virginia and Washington Sections of the IEEE and IEEE- USA's PACE Committee l 8:00-8:25 (Continental Breakfast) l 8:25-8:30 Opening Remarks, Chair, Northern Virginia Section l Morning Session Chaired by PACE Chair, Northern Virginia Section l 8:30-10:20 Career Enhancement through Project Management Doug Holly l 10:20-10:30 (Break) l 10:30-11:30 Resumes Inside and Out Leann Kostek l 11:30-12:10 The Importance of Networking and Tapping into Your Network - Kerry Hartman l 12:10-12:50 (Lunch) l Afternoon Session Chaired by PACE Chair, Washington Section l 12:50-1:40 Career Shift- Dealing with Rapid and Progressive Changes in the U.S. Workplace - Amarjeet Basra l 1:40-2:40 Career Defense in the Face of Globalization Adeeb Hamzey l 2:40-2:50 (Break) l 2:50-3:50 Career Transitions - Don Herres l 3:50-4:00 Closing Remarks and Feedback, Chair, Washington Section

16 Example 3 l CAREER PLANNING FOR A CHANGING WORLD l Presented by IEEE, Chicago Section l Cost: members $75, non-members $105, & students $40 - lunch included l Keynote: Preparing for the jobs of tomorrow 8:30 to 10:00 am l Break 10:00 TO 10:15 am l Lunch 11:45 to 12:15 pm l Track 1 - Enhancing Your Career l Career Planning 10:15 to 11: 45 am l Marketing your ideas 12:15 to 1:30 pm l Effective Technical Presentations 1:30 to 2:30 pm l Track 2 - Changing Careers l From Corporate to Entrepreneur - 10:15 to 11:45 am l Protecting Your Intellectual Property 12:15 to 1:30 pm l Time/Goal Management 1:30 to 2:30 pm

17 Example 4 l The Role Of IEEE In Our Careers: A Panel Discussion With R6 Southern Areas Top Engineering Executives & IEEE Family Day l Cost: Free admission / parking Descanso Gardens main gate - opens at 7:30 A.M. Breakfast 8:00 A.M.-9:00 A.M. Families will tour gardens while members are in the meeting if they prefer Membership meeting starts at 9:00 A.M. l 9:00Welcome & Pledge of Allegiance l 9:10Introductions – Officers, Followed by Members Self-Introductions l 9:15About Southern Area & Events l 9:20What is PACE? l 9:45Break l 10:00LA Metro Section Announcements & Introduction of PACE Chair l 10:05PACE Chair - Introduction of Panelists l 10:15Panelists Remarks l 11:50Questions from Audience l 12:00Meeting adjourns - Attendees join their families for lunch; Senior Membership Drive l All attendees can tour the Gardens until closure - @ 5:00 P.M.

18 More Information l The ieee-usa PACE website l Your Local Section PACE Chair l Your Region Coordinator l Region PACE web page l Employment & Career Service Committee

19 Go forth, do projects, and LEAD! Thank you!

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