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Ozone and UV Research and Monitoring Activities in the Czech Republic International aspects emphasized Karel Vanicek Czech Hydrometeorological Institute.

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Presentation on theme: "Ozone and UV Research and Monitoring Activities in the Czech Republic International aspects emphasized Karel Vanicek Czech Hydrometeorological Institute."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ozone and UV Research and Monitoring Activities in the Czech Republic International aspects emphasized Karel Vanicek Czech Hydrometeorological Institute Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic The 7-th Meeting of Ozone Research Managers for the Vienna Convention Geneva, 19-21 May, 2008 MZP CR 7ORM, Geneva, 2008 K. Vanicek, CHMI

2 The Solar and Ozone Observatory Headec Kralove, since 1962 Dobson and Brewer spectophotometers Observational Activities Monitoring of Total Ozone 7ORM, Geneva, 2008 K. Vanicek, CHMI

3 Observational Activities Monitoring Vertical Profiles of Ozone The Upper Air Department of CHMI Prague – Libus, since 1978 ECC ozone sondes, Vaisala facility 7ORM, Geneva, 2008 K. Vanicek, CHMI

4 Observational Activities Monitoring of UV Solar Radiation Spectral irradiances – UV scans Brewer MK-III, Hradec Kralove, since 1994 Erythemal UV irradiation UV-Biometers, 3 sites since 1995 Yearly Sums of Erythemal UV irradiation Hradec Kralove 1964-1994 modelled, 1965-2006 measured

5 Dissemination of Products Ozone and UV public information system Daily reports to media, web pages of CHMI, 7ORM, Geneva, 2008 K. Vanicek, CHMI

6 Research and Development Projects in 2005-2008 CANDIDOZ: Chemical and Dynamical Influences on Decadal Ozone Change. EC FP- 5, 2002-2005 ENV-CR: Maintenance of the Network for Monitoring of the Ozone Layer in Developing Countries Project of the Ministry for Environment of the Czech Republic, 2004-2006 MATCH: International ozone sonde campaigns for the quantification of polar chemical ozone loss Multinational funding. Every winter/spring since 1998. COST-726: Long term changes and climatology of UV radiation over Europe. EC coordinated, 2004-2009 SCOUT-O3: Stratospheric-Climate Links with Emphasis on the UTLS. EC FP-6, 2004-2009

7 7ORM, Geneva, 2008 K. Vanicek, CHMI International Cooperation - GAW The GAW Regional Dobson Calibration Centre – Europe (RDCCE) Bilateral cooperation between MOHp Hohenpeissenberg and SOO Hradec Kralove, since 1999 The recent assisted activities DIC-Africa, Dahab 2004 DIC-Asia – assistance to the RDCC-A, Tsukuba, 2007 Re-location of the Dobsons to Maun, Botswana, 2005 and Nairobi, Kenya, 2006 Maintenance of the Dobson web site: Absolute calibration of European and World Dobson references, Izana, Sep. 2008

8 7ORM, Geneva, 2008 K. Vanicek, CHMI Capacity Building Maintenance of the ozone network in developing countries Training, software and hardware tools, calibrations, re-evaluation Co-ordination with ENV/WMO and SAG-Ozone 26 stations in 17 countries assisted by missions in 1996-2007 Total costs ~ 120k USD by the Czech Government International Cooperation - GAW A pilot re-evaluation of the data from Bangkok, 2006

9 7ORM, Geneva, 2008 K. Vanicek, CHMI International Cooperation EU Global Monitoring for Environment and Security Atmosphere Service (GMES-GAS) The GAS will provide information on atmospheric variables in support of EU policies, Services will cover air quality, climate change, stratospheric ozone and solar radiation A long-term (decades) important source for ground and satellite ozone and UV observation systems in Europe and the surroundings Participation of Czech experts on definition of the Implementation Plan for the In-situ (ground) Ozone and UV monitoring system

10 7ORM, Geneva, 2008 K. Vanicek, CHMI Recommendations for the 7ORM Report Data Quality A technological workshop on re-evaluation of total ozone observations from stations identified by the the DQ Panel, 2007 should be organized by WMO and co-sponsored by MP Trust Fund. Programme of the workshop and scientific guidance to be provided by the SAG-Ozone. Capacity Building Contributions donated to the MP Trust Fund and other supports provided to the Capacity Building by individual countries/agencies should be used for apriory specified actions. Priority should be given to realization of intercomparisons and calibration missions (DIC Africa 2008, Asia 2010, South America 2010), to relocation of unused instruments mainly to stations in the tropics and Central Asia and to data re-evaluation activities recommended by the SAG-Ozone


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