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Marine Biology Mr. Robinson

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1 Marine Biology Mr. Robinson
Simple Salinity Lab Marine Biology Mr. Robinson

2 Materials 4 test tubes Sea salt 4 pipettes (droppers may be used)
Test tube holder Tap water as required Red food coloring Salt water (prepared by teacher) Blue food coloring Green food coloring 3 Erlenmeyer flasks for mixing liquids (Teacher use only) 4 beakers

3 Observation #1 What happens when the food coloring is dropped into the regular tap water? What does this observation tell you about the density of the food coloring when compared to the tap water? When you check back later how much diffusion has taken place?

4 What is density?

5 Observation #2 What happens when the food coloring is dropped into the salty water? What does this observation tell you about the density of the food coloring when compared to the salty water? When you check back later, how much diffusion has taken place?

6 Part One Fill the test tube ½ full with clear tap water
Fill the transfer pipette with green very salty water Carefully place some very salty water into the beaker with the tap water and record your observations.

7 Part Two Fill the test tube ½ full with clear salt water
Fill another transfer pipette with blue tap water Carefully place some blue tap water into the test tube with the clear salt water and record your observations.

8 Part Three - A Fill the test tube ½ full with very salty green water
Using a pipette, carefully place clear tap water into ¼ of the test tube on top of the very salty green water and record your observations. Without emptying the test tube, continue to Three – B…

9 Part Three - B Making sure that your pipette is clean, fill the pipette with slightly salty red water Carefully place the pipette INTO the layer of very salty green water and squeeze out a drop of slightly salty red water. Record your observations. Place your thumb on top of the test tube and shake it. Record your observations.

10 Part Four See if you can make a three or four layer column of water in your test tube. Explain how you decided the order in which to put the different salinities into the test tube? Record your observations.

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