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Government of the Republic of Serbia Ministry of Labor and Social Policy GENERAL AND SPECIAL PROTOCOL ON CHILD PROTECTION FROM ABUSE AND NEGLECT.

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Presentation on theme: "Government of the Republic of Serbia Ministry of Labor and Social Policy GENERAL AND SPECIAL PROTOCOL ON CHILD PROTECTION FROM ABUSE AND NEGLECT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Government of the Republic of Serbia Ministry of Labor and Social Policy GENERAL AND SPECIAL PROTOCOL ON CHILD PROTECTION FROM ABUSE AND NEGLECT

2 GENERAL PROTOCOL on child protection from abuse GENERAL PROTOCOL on child protection from abuse and neglect Legally binding document that provides guidelines for action to all providers of services dealing with children and families from governmental and non-governmental, as well as from private sector in order to jointly work for the well-being of children in situations where there is a suspicion that the child has experienced abuse or neglect, or a threat that s/he may undergo such experience.

3 Scope of child abuse and neglect in Serbia Data are inaccurate and incomplete due to: absence of integrated data basis, difficulty of comparing data from different sectors, prevalence of action researches conducted on apposite samples

4 Forms of child abuse Source: Child Protection Department, Institute of Mental Health 2003-2004

5 Childrens ideas and reflections on abuse Every child has been the victim of abuse at least once 50% have experienced some kind of abuse 10% have experienced severe forms of abuse (physical, sexual) (Qualitative research that included children and youth aged 10 to 19 in 7 municipalities, UNICEF, 2005)

6 Prerequisites for efficent child abuse prevention and child protection system: Clearly defined state policy Adequate legal framework Mechanisms for establishing and maintaining efficient network Public sensitivity and quality of training of professionals in relation to violence

7 Organized efforts in developing system of protection from violence in Serbia 2000-2005 Defining new policy Action for Children Plan (2004) Social Welfare System Reform Strategy (2005) National Strategy against Violence - Starting Framework (2005) Enhancing legislative framework Criminal Law Amendments (2002) Law on Basis of the Educational and Upbringing System (2003) Family Law (2005) Law on Juvenile Offenders and Criminal Legal Protection of Minors (2006) Law on Prevention of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities (2006) Law on Childrens Ombudsman (pending)

8 Network for child protection from abuse and neglect Participants in the process of protection: social protection, health, education, police, judiciary, local self-government non-governmental sector citizens – children and adults media

9 Integrated intersectoral approach to child protection Prerequisites: Sensitivity to childrens rights Clear idea about common goal Definition of child abuse and neglect accepted by all Clearly defined roles, responsibilities and ways of cooperation of all participants in the process

10 Protocol objective To provide balanced response in the best interest of the child: Prompt and coordinated procedure that protects the child from further abuse or neglect (authoritative intervention) Support to the family to enable it to protect the child and make it possible for him/her to have unimpeded development

11 Protocol content Definitions of child abuse and neglect Steps in the process of child protection Roles of different systems in the process Ways of communication between participants in the process of protection Legislative regulations relating to child protection from abuse and neglect

12 Steps in the process of child protection Discovering and reporting child abuse or neglect Initial assesment and inquiry Immediate interventions (if there are clues indicating child abuse) Planning of services and measures Intervention implementation Monitoring and evaluation

13 ASSESSMENT upon receipt of report URGENT PROTECTION MEASURES Case OPENED Assessment Manager designated INITIAL ASSESSMENT within 7 days Nonoccurrence of abuse or neglect Case NOT OPENED No additional services Additional services Occurrence of abuse or neglect Emergency placement Case conference Protection plan Case review FEEDBACK TO REPORTER

14 SPECIAL PROTOCOL Special Protocol provides safety and promotion of the well-being of all children in institutions, particularly ensuring their full participation in the procedure

15 Special Protocol includes protection of children placed in: institutions for the placement of children without parental care, institutions and daytime centers for the placement of handicapped children reception centers and shelters institutions for children and youth in clash with the law foster families

16 Roles of teams according to Special Protocol: 1. Internal team implements child protection, collects information and reports the case to the External and Central team. 2. External (Regional team) conducts inquiry 3. Central team keeps central records on reported cases Police and investigative authorities (Prosecutors Office) carry out investigation


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