Nurse Home Visitor Program Revising your FY 11/12 CDPHE Funding NHVP Budget due to state budget reductions Presented on September 29, 2011 by Julie Becker.

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Presentation on theme: "Nurse Home Visitor Program Revising your FY 11/12 CDPHE Funding NHVP Budget due to state budget reductions Presented on September 29, 2011 by Julie Becker."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nurse Home Visitor Program Revising your FY 11/12 CDPHE Funding NHVP Budget due to state budget reductions Presented on September 29, 2011 by Julie Becker

2 This Training: Is designed for Nurse Home Visitor Program (NHVP) fiscal and programmatic staff who will work on revising your agency’s FY 11/12 NHVP budget. Will provide an overview of FY 11/12 NHVP budget cuts. Will provide instructions for reducing your agency’s FY 11/12 budget. Provides a forum to ask questions. 2

3 Nurse Home Visitor Program Budget Reductions 3

4 Revised Budget Amount Each agency will receive an email from CDPHE staff confirming the total amount of the budget reduction by September 30, 2011. This email will include the revised CDPHE NHVP Funding and the FY 11/12 Medicaid estimate for your agency The FY 11/12 Medicaid estimate for your agency will NOT change. 4

5 Budget Reduction Form 4 main columns Budget line item –mostly pre- populated. Add employee name and position. Can make other changes if necessary to match current approved budget. Original Contracted CDPHE Funding (NHVP) Budget – should match the figures in your current contract budget. The column titled “C. CDPHE FUNDING (NHVP) *3” Revised / Reduced CDPHE Funding (NHVP) Budget – revised budget, this column’s total should match the number Flora Martinez sent to your agency. Variance – will auto calculate. 5

6 Rows at bottom of budget reduction form 6 IMPORTANT: This MUST match the figure in your current contract. CDPHE staff will confirm this figure in the email that provided your FY 11/12 CDPHE NHVP reduction. This applies ONLY to agencies who billed Medicaid MORE than their FY 10/11 Medicaid Estimate. Agencies were allowed to bill 25% more than their FY 10/11 Medicaid Estimate for FY 10/11 without any future contract reductions.

7 Detailed Medicaid and Other Sources of Funding Budgets The mid-year revision requires detailed budgets for Medicaid and Other Sources of Funding, so we will not be requiring these at this time. 7

8 Important Items to Remember as you prepare the budget reduction form (1 of 3) If you make changes to personnel, please make sure your budget still meets case load requirements. 4 NHV and 1 supervisor per 100 clients. If there have been staff changes, please add a new line to show your new staff member with the correct name. If you reduce salary, please remember to reduce associated fringe benefits. 8

9 Important Items to Remember as you prepare the budget reduction form (2 of 3) Administrative costs MUST be broken out and CAN NOT reference your agency’s indirect rate. Medicaid estimates can NOT change!!! They must match your current FY 11/12 budget. This amount will be emailed to you. 9

10 Important Items to Remember as you prepare the budget reduction form (3 of 3) Certain NFP training and technical assistance costs can NOT be reduced (i.e.) technical assistance, ongoing nurse education, initial nurse / supervisor education (if applicable). If you add lines to the form, please check the blue total lines around the added cells to ensure the totals are including the items you added. Enter budget amounts as whole dollars – no cents. If you are putting a calculation in the form, please use the round feature in excel or retype the amount with no cents. 10

11 Budget Justification The Budget Reduction Form has a tab called “Justification for Revisions”. This is form ONLY needs to be completed if you are increasing the budget for a line item. Do not fill this form out for any line items where you are reducing the budget. 11

12 Due Dates An EXCEL version of your agency’s NHVP FY 11/12 Budget Reduction Form is due October 14, 2011. This email must be sent from someone at your agency who has authority to approve budget revisions. Please send these forms to Francesca Isabelle: Funding letters will be sent out in early November. 12

13 FY 10/11 Excess Medicaid Revenue Late last year agencies had permission to bill up to 25% more than their FY 10/11 Medicaid Estimate, without incurring a penalty in FY 11/12. Agencies that did not spend the extra Medicaid revenue in FY 10/11, can spend it in FY 11/12. Report those expenditures on your cost reimbursement forms under Medicaid. It is OK if the total you report on your cost reimbursement forms is greater than you FY 11/12 Medicaid estimate. 13

14 If you have questions, please contact: Julie Becker (fiscal officer) (303) 692-2431 Francesca Isabelle (fiscal officer) (303) 691-4963 Mary Martin (Home Visitation Program Director) (303) 692-2321 Flora Martinez (Home Visitation Program Coordinator) (303) 691-4919 14

15 Questions??? 15

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