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Presentation on theme: "[TABLE OF CONTENTS] [COMBINED AGENDAS BY TOPIC] Planning for ChangeTABLE OF CONTENTSCOMBINED AGENDAS BY TOPIC Mark Kaufman The Regional Alliance for Math."— Presentation transcript:

1 [TABLE OF CONTENTS] [COMBINED AGENDAS BY TOPIC] Planning for ChangeTABLE OF CONTENTSCOMBINED AGENDAS BY TOPIC Mark Kaufman The Regional Alliance for Math and Science, TERC 617-547-0430

2 Looking at your MSP To what extent do educators in your MSP have timely access to rich and varied data sources about student performance? Rate their access on a scale of: 0(lowest)-5 (highest)

3 Looking at your MSP To what extent do educators in your MSP believe they need to examine their assessment practices? To what extent are leaders committed to changes in assessment practices? To what extent are classroom and district assessment practices aligned with district curriculum and instructional approaches?

4 9 Risk Factors for Change 1.Case for Change 2.Vision Clarity 3.Change Leaders 4.Individual Commitment 5.Change Guides 6.Cultural Alignment 7.Infrastructure Support 8.Environmental Awareness 9.Implementation Plan (“How to Keep a Change Initiative on Track”, Horsley and Kaser, Journal of Staff Development, Fall, 1999)

5 #1 - Case for Change What factors (internal and external) are motivating this change? Is the system responding to a problem or an opportunity? Are there clear consequences for not changing?

6 #2 - Change Vision Clarity Is there a vision - common image and understanding of what is intended? Is it clear, not only in general, but also in the particular details and behaviors? Is it compelling, leading to commitment and action? Is it shared?

7 #3 - Change Leaders Is there a sponsor for this change? Does s/he have the authority to carry it out? Will s/he actively guide the effort and allocate resources? Does s/he exhibit behaviors that demonstrate consistent support for the vision? Along with the sponsoring leader, are there sustaining leaders who support this?

8 Risk Factor Summary Case for Change With: a sense of need W/out: academic exercise Vision Clarity With: clear, agreed end point W/out: confusion about outcomes Change Leader With: legitimacy, support, safety W/out: no organizational commitment

9 #4 - Change Guides Who will guide the planning and implementation of the change? Will they have support from the leaders? Can they speak with authority and integrity to both participants and leaders? Will they be able to see the effort through to completion?

10 #5 - Individual Commitment How important is this change to individuals? What is the impact on them? Are they comfortable with it, confident that they can accomplish it, and have a sense of competence about their skills and knowledge? Do they feel a sense of control? Do they believe that there are consequences for embracing or resisting the change?

11 #6 - Cultural Alignment Does the change represent a good fit with the school or district’s culture and values? What are the value or cultural conflicts? How can they be addressed? What is the history of similar past efforts?

12 Risk Factor Summary (2) Individual Commitment With: new learning comes easier W/out: apathy, avoidance, possible rejection Change Guides With: people know they have nearby support W/out: possible frustration Cultural Alignment With: natural fit, less conflict W/out: die from resistance

13 #7 - Environmental Awareness Are there outside factors that might negatively impact the plan? What other competing initiatives might draw off time, resources, commitment? Is there community support?

14 #8 - Infrastructure Support How do the system’s policies, procedures and practices support the proposed plan? Is there alignment between the change and key elements such as professional development, resource availability, leadership styles, compensation, rewards, time, schedules? Are evaluation systems aligned?

15 #9 - Implementation Plan Are there: Clear goals and objectives? Timelines? Roles and responsibilities? Communication and feedback mechanisms? Monitoring and evaluation processes? Consequences?

16 Risk Factor Summary (3) Infrastructure Support With: fewer organizational barriers W/out: bureaucracy, resource constraints Environmental Awareness With: respond well to threats, challenges W/out: unanticipated problems, distractions Implementation Plan With: know what will happen, when, to whom W/out: false starts, wasted efforts

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