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Warm Up Get a Digestion and Metabolism Fill in from the front counter What is Digestion? TODAY: –Digestion PPT/ Fill In Notes –Begin Posters.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up Get a Digestion and Metabolism Fill in from the front counter What is Digestion? TODAY: –Digestion PPT/ Fill In Notes –Begin Posters."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up Get a Digestion and Metabolism Fill in from the front counter What is Digestion? TODAY: –Digestion PPT/ Fill In Notes –Begin Posters

2 Digestion and Metabolism Summary and notes

3 What is digestion? Process the body uses to transform food into a form it can use 2 types Chemical –Food is combined with enzymes and acids (HCL) which cause chemical reactions in the body to help break down nutrients so they can be absorbed Mechanical –Happens as food is crushed and churned

4 What are enzymes? Enzymes do the job of converting food into compounds the body can use for energy, metabolism and other functions

5 Where does digestion take place? Gastrointestinal Tract AKA the GI tract Muscular tube, divided into parts that perform specific functions Can be as long as 30 feet!

6 How many parts? Six –Mouth –Esophagus –Stomach –Small intestine –liver –Large intestine

7 Begins the mechanical digestive process Chewing: Food is crushed by the teeth into smaller pieces Begins the chemical digestive process when ptyalin breaks down complex carbs into simple carbs The physical process of chewing helps move the food to the next step

8 Moves food to the stomach 12 inches long Peristalsis: Muscles contract and relax in wave-like patterns This moves the food along entire GI tract Emotions can decrease or increase this action Increase: aggressive, angry Decrease: sad, depressed, afraid, and nervous

9 Largest area in the digestive tract Can hold 2-3 pints of food Mainly breaks down proteins with the enzymes: Rennin and Pepsin and gastric juices produced by the stomach walls Churned until it turns into chyme Satiety: feeling of fullness Proteins stay in the stomach the longest Proteins: 5 hours Carbs: 2 hours

10 Small Intestine Next the food answers the duodenum Mixed and combines with chemicals: Bile and Pancreatic juice, Intestinal fluids and enzymes Lined with villi: hair like projections that filter and absorb materials from the intestine and help move them to the large intestine –Carbs: changed to glucose –Proteins: changed to amino acids –Fats: changed into fatty acids to provide energy –Vitamins and Minerals remain unchanged

11 Liver Manufactures changes and stores nutrients and chemicals Turns glucose into glycogen for storage and sends it into the bloodstream when the body needs it Recycles worn out blood cells

12 Large Intestine Water is absorbed and sent to the kidneys Fiber absorbs some of the water and helps to soften waste Acts as a holding place for waste 10% of food eaten ends up as waste

13 Process where nutrients are burned for heat and energy or used to build new tissue Body needs energy to carry out three functions: Basal Metabolism: maintaining heart rate, sleeping Activity: running, walking, working Thermic Effect of Food: metabolism, digestion, absorption, storage

14 Basal Metabolism The amount of energy needed for the body at physical, digestive and emotional rest Also referred to as BMR or basal metabolic rate Many factors affect your BMR

15 Gender Environment Body Surface Body Temp. Supply of Nutrients Age BMR

16 What’s my BMR? To calculate your BMR Weight in kg X 1 or.9 X 24= BMR Males: 1 calorie per Kg of body weight per hour Females: 0.9 calories per Kg of body weight per hour Weight in pounds = weight in Kg 2.2

17 Calculating BMR Weight in kg X BMR factor (1 for M,.9 for F) Multiply weight in kg times 24 Example: 165 lb male 165/2.2 = 75 kg 75 kg X 1.0 = 75 cal/hr 75 X 24 = 1800 calories Metabolic rate = 1800 calories per day

18 Another Example 136/2.2= 61.8 kg 61.8 X.09 = 55.62 cal/hr 55.62 X 24= 1334.8 calories Basal Metabolic Rate is 1334.8

19 Fiber Need 20-30 g of fiber per day Functions: –Keeps contents of the intestines moving, prevents constipation –Helps reduce the risk of colon cancer by allowing food to pass quickly through the GI tract –Stimulates muscles of the digestive tract –Absorbs water and gives the feeling of fullness, contributes to healthy eating

20 Top Ten High Fiber Foods

21 Assignment Working with 2-3 people, create a poster of the digestive system Draw out the digestive system, Label and color each part Describe what each part of the digestive system does Due at the end of class on Thursday (:

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