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PREDLOZI S IMENICAMA I GLAGOLIMA.  Predlog + imenica – ustaljene fraze:  on holiday, on business, on a journey/a trip/a tour  I'm travelling on business.

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Presentation on theme: "PREDLOZI S IMENICAMA I GLAGOLIMA.  Predlog + imenica – ustaljene fraze:  on holiday, on business, on a journey/a trip/a tour  I'm travelling on business."— Presentation transcript:


2  Predlog + imenica – ustaljene fraze:  on holiday, on business, on a journey/a trip/a tour  I'm travelling on business. We're on a coach tour of Europe.  In cash, by cheque/credit card  It's cheaper if you pay in cash. Can I pay by credit card?  In writing, in pen/biro/felt-tip/ink/pencil  Could you confirm that in writing? I'll write the names in pencil.  On television, on the radio/the phone/the Internet  / saw the programme on TV. Mark is on the phone at the moment.  For sale, on the market  The house next door is for sale. It's the best hi-fi on the market

3  on the whole, in general  On the whole it's a good idea, but there are one or two problems.  People in general aren't very interested in politics.  In advance, up to date, out of date  The company wants us to pay for the goods in advance.  Oh no! My passport is out of date. These latest figures are up to date.  In my opinion, from my point of view  All sport is silly in my opinion.  Matthew never sees things from Emma's point of view.  on purpose, by mistake/chance/accident  / didn't spill my drink on purpose. I pressed the wrong button by mistake.  We didn't arrange to meet. We met by chance in the street.

4  On the way = during the journey.  In the way = blocking the way.  I'm driving into town. I'll get some petrol on the way.  We couldn't get past because there was a parked car in the way.  In the end = finally, after a long time.  At the end = when something stops.  It took Claire hours to decide. In the end she chose a long blue dress.  We all left quickly at the end of the meeting.

5  Ponekad predlozi idu iza imenica, e.g. way of, answer to, interest in.  Iza predloga često opet sledi imenica.  the answer to the problem  their interest in drama  Ponekad iza predloga sledi gerund.  a way of escaping  No hope of winning

6  your ability in maths  an example of this  your opinion of the film  a cheap alternative to leather  some experience of selling  the price of food  an attack on the government  an expert on computers  the reason for the delay

7  Need, wish  Iza imenice sa značenjem 'need', 'wish' ili 'request' može da sledi predlog for.  There's a need for more houses.  There was no demand for the product.  appetite for, application for, demand for, desire for, need for, order for,  preference for, request for, taste for, wish for

8  Matthew: Why are you angry with me, Emma?  Emma: I'm tired of talking to myself. You never listen. I get annoyed at the way you behave.  Matthew: Sorry, but I have to go now or I'll be late for the basketball game.  Emma: You aren't interested in us, are you? You never worry about our relationship, do you?  Iza nekih prideva slede predlozi, e.g. angry with, tired of, late for.  A iza predloga obično sledi imenica ili zamenica.  annoyed at the way you behave  late for the game  angry with me  Ponekad sledi i gerund:  tired of talking to myself

9  Ove fraze često se koriste za izražavanje osećanja:  afraid of the dark  excited about the holiday  proud of our work  amazed at/by the changes  fed up with waiting  satisfied with the result  ashamed of myself  fond of my sister  shocked at/by the violence

10  I'm sorry about the mistake.  I feel sorry for poor Melanie.  We were angry at/about the delay.  Sarah was angry with Henry.  We were annoyed at/about the delay.  Emma was annoyed with Matthew.  I was pleased about winning.  The winner was pleased with himself.  Vicky is anxious about her exam.  People are anxious for news.

11  Kada govorimo o nečijoj sposobnosti, koristimo good at, bad at, etc.  good at tennis  brilliant at crosswords  bad at games  hopeless at cooking  Kad govorimo da je nešto zdravo ili ne, koristimo good for i bad for.  Oranges are good for you. Smoking is bad for you.  Za ponašanje prema drugima, koristimo: good to, kind to, nice to, polite to i rude to.  My friends have been good to me. You were very rude to the waitress.

12  fit for work  responsible for running a business  aware of the facts  full of water  safe from attack  capable of looking after myself  guilty of murder  the same as before  different from our usual route  involved in a project  famous for her film roles  ready for the big day

13  Postoje glagoli uz koje uvek idu odre đ eni predlozi pa se nazivaju prepositional verbs.  I'm waiting for you.  The dog belongs to our neighbours.  Predlog uvek ide pre objekta.  NOT I'm waiting you for.  U upitnim rečenicama predlog ide na kraj rečenice.  Who are you waiting for?  Neki glagoli imaju više predloga s kojima se mogu kombinovati. U odnosu na to menja im se i značenje.  I'm looking at these photos. They're really good.  I'm looking for my ticket. I can't find it anywhere.  I'm looking after the children while their parents are out.  The police are looking into the matter.

14  Yes, I agree with you.  Tom's neighbours apologized for the noise.  I approve of the new scheme. I think it's a good idea.  Have you applied for the job?  The patient asked for a glass of water.  Do you believe in God?  I'm sorry, but I don't care about your problems.  Lots of people care for elderly relatives. (= look after)  / didn't care for the film. (= like)  Please concentrate on your work.  The US consists of fifty states.  I can deal with any enquiries.

15  Claire finally decided on a holiday in Turkey.  Whether we go out will depend on the weather.  I feel like a drink. (= want)  Everyone laughed at the joke.  I was listening to the radio.  Did you pay for the coffee?  You can't rely on the weather forecast.  I'll see to the matter at once.  Vicky suffers from headaches.  Predlozi se ne koriste iza glagola: answer, approach, control, demand, enter, expect, leave, reach, request  The President is entering the building.

16  Predlog about može da se koristi posle mnogih glagola:  ask, complain, dream, enquire, hear, know, learn, protest, speak, talk, think, wonder  Did you hear about the accident?  Mark was talking about golf.  about se ne koristi posle glagola discuss.  We discussed the problem, NOT We discussed about the problem.  We can apologize to, complain to, talk to and write to a person.  I'm writing to my sister.  We talked to Natasha about classical music.  We do not use to after phone.  I'm phoning the office, NOT I'm phoning to the office.

17  Frazalni glagoli su posebna grupa glagola koji se sastoje od dva, ponekad i tri, elementa.  Frazalni glagoli se sastoje od glagola i predloga ili priloga: come in, sit down, take off.  Postoji veliki broj ovih glagola u engleskom jeziku.  Neki prilozi koji se koriste u frazalnim glagolima:  about, along, around, away, back, behind, by, down, forward, in, off, on, out, over, round, through, up

18  Neke frazalne glagole je lako razumeti.  Tom asked Melanie to come in.  The man in front turned round and stared at me.  Njihovo značenje je jasno ukoliko znamo značenje reči od kojih su sastavljeni: come, in, turn, round.  Mnogi frazalni glagoli su idiomatski: to znači da glagol + prilog ima posebno značenje:  F ortunately the plan came off. (= succeeded)  Why did you turn down such a good offer? (= refuse)  I can't make out if it's a man or a woman over there. (= see clearly)

19  Često frazalni glagoli imaju svoje ekvivalente po značenju me đ u običnim glagolima:  find out — discover  leave out — omit  send out — distribute  go back = return  make up = invent (a story)  throw away = discard  go on = continue  put off— postpone  turn up — arrive  Frazalni glagoli se koriste u manje formalnim situacijama.

20  Kad frazalni glagol ima objekat, onda objekat može da ide ispred ili iza priloga.  VERB OBJECT ADVERB  VERB ADVERB OBJECT  Melanie took her coat off. OR Melanie took off her coat.  I wrote the number down. OR I wrote down the number.  Who let the cat out? OR Who let out the cat?

21  Ako je objekat duži, ide iza priloga.  The gang have carried out a number of bank raids in the last few months.  Why don't you try on that dress in the window?  Zamenica (e.g. it, them) uvek ide ispred priloga.  Melanie felt hot in her coat, so she took it off.  NOT She took off it.  There have been a number of raids. The police know who carried them out.  NOT The police know who caried out them

22  Prilozi mogu imate više različitih značenja:  down = becoming less  turn down the music  bring down the cost of living  down = stopping completely  The car broke down.  on = wearing  Put the coat on  on = continuing  carry on working  drive on a bit further

23  Come on, we're going now.  You have to fill in your name and address.  How did you get on in the test?  I usually get up late on Sundays.  I'm going out for the evening.  Hurry up. We haven't got much time.  You have to plug the machine in first.  I'm going to throw these old clothes away.  We were too tired to wash up after the meal.  Sarah woke up suddenly in the n ight.

24  Glagol + prilog+ predlog  The old man fell down on the pavement.  I couldn't get through to directory enquiries.  David decided to get up onto the roof.  It was nice to go out into the fresh air.  We look out over the sea.  Everyone looked up at the aeroplane.  Vicky ran away from the fire.

25  Frazalni glagoli od 3 elementa imaju posebno značenje koje se ne može naslutiti iz individualnih reči.  Tom often calls in on/drops in on us without warning. (= pays short visits)  You go on ahead. I'll soon catch up with you. (= reach the same place as)  I'm afraid we've come up against another difficulty. (= be stopped by)  The country is crying out for a new leader. (= in great need of)  I'm trying to lose weight. I have to cut down on puddings. (= reduce)  They should do away with these useless traditions. (= abolish)

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