Mediapolis Towards a didactical Media the Athénée de Luxembourg.

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Presentation on theme: "Mediapolis Towards a didactical Media the Athénée de Luxembourg."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mediapolis Towards a didactical Media Concept @ the Athénée de Luxembourg

2 Athénée de Luxembourg Secondary school, founded 1603 Secondary school, founded 1603 1350 students 1350 students 200 teachers 200 teachers

3 The Athénée de Luxembourg & the media Motto: Innovation by tradition First major School Library in Luxembourg Information and Communication Environment Participation in many media-projects / IT- projects, integration of media education in many subjects (interdisciplinary) Media Library – Document Center – Support Center – Activity Center …

4 Media Concept – for both administrative and pedagogical purposes Overall concept for the use of the different media types at our school, developed by all the members of the school community – for both administrative and pedagogical purposes „By developing a media concept schools determine the status quo of their previous media use and fix the need and the perspectives for the coming years.“

5 Mediapolis Milestones Initial inquiry: Where do we stand, where do we want to go, what do we need? Work out an effective planning - together with external experts Translation into action Evaluation

6 Mediapolis Our main goals: to simplify administrative procedures and to improve communication between all the people involved in our school to develop/strengthen teachers and students media skills (comprehension, analysis, production) teaching the media and teaching with the media encourage critical approaches to the media encourage comprehensive, autonomous, collaborative and creative learning continue to promote co-operation with external partners, the opening-up of schools, cross-curricular teaching and project work create the basis for a sensible and practical handling of the media (audio, video, books, the internet, etc.) by supplying and regularly updating both contents and hardware, and by creating support structures for teachers and students

7 Mediapolis Some activities Implementation of a web based Intranet – hosted by mySchool! Implementation of learning communities: To promote and improve collaborative learning processes (WebQuest, Assessments, Learning objects, ePortfolio, document sharing, communication tools, publishing tools …) Implementation of a media server hosted by our media library - flexible distribution of digital content (Stream or IPOD) To develop/strengthen communication competencies (reading, speaking, writing) of the students: cross-media activities (book, movies, press, readings, radio plays, other media events) to promote and support media literacy education To provide teachers with ongoing pre-service and in-service training and mentoring

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