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Energy System Development PETH42. Observe People in the Cardio Room Leisure Jog on the treadmill Reading the paper while on bike Watching news on eliptical.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy System Development PETH42. Observe People in the Cardio Room Leisure Jog on the treadmill Reading the paper while on bike Watching news on eliptical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy System Development PETH42

2 Observe People in the Cardio Room Leisure Jog on the treadmill Reading the paper while on bike Watching news on eliptical trainer –Are we working hard enough? –Are we challenging the body? –How far vs. how fast? Quantity vs. Quality

3 Purpose of ESD Burn calories Improve function of heart and lungs Build endurance Challenge body so that it can adapt “Progressive Overload”

4 We’re Forgetful as Adults Who was picked 1st in grade school Speed & power =increased muscles and leaner body Burn calories, increase flexibility, improve nervous system Ever seen a fat sprinter?

5 Verstegen Questions Methods Keeping HR in “fat burning” zone Training: plow horse or thoroughbred What do you think?

6 The 3 Energy Systems 1. Anaerobic Glycolysis 2. Phosphagen system 3. Aerobic system All systems are active, but participate more according to intensity of activity

7 Anaerobic Glycolysis High intensity up to 3- minutes Handle high acid concentrations Fiber types? Active recovery Work/Rest ratio 1:2

8 Phosphagen System High level work up to 12 seconds Fuel in muscles used ATP-CP Inactive recovery Hypertrophy of type II Work/rest 1:3, 1:6

9 Aerobic System Work beyond 3 minutes Requires oxygen to make energy Primary fuel at rest Work/Rest Ratio 1:1 Marathons, distance swimming, Ultras

10 Can you Guess the Primary Energy System? Intensity? Duration? Think Fiber Types Explosive or paced

11 Guess this Energy system Name the primary energy system for baseball During active times, which are few and far between.

12 Soccer? There’s a lot of jogging or paced running But, there’s also sprinting What’s the fuel source

13 Football? There’s a lot of standing around between each 5-7 second play But, the movements are explosive

14 Basketball? Name the energy system based on what you’ve learned from the previous slides

15 Effect of Event Duration on Primary Energy System Used Phosphagen System 0 - 12 sec, very intense, Anaerobic Anaerobic Glycolysis 30sec - 3min, heavy, Anaerobic Aerobic System > 3 min, light, Aerobic

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