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Project Name Location Category of Entry Award Type Firm Name 2011 CEFPI North East Region Exhibition of School Planning and Architecture.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Name Location Category of Entry Award Type Firm Name 2011 CEFPI North East Region Exhibition of School Planning and Architecture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Name Location Category of Entry Award Type Firm Name 2011 CEFPI North East Region Exhibition of School Planning and Architecture

2 Project name Main Exterior Image

3 Project name Main Site Diagram

4 Image title IMAGE Community Environment: Narrative to

5 Image title IMAGE Community Environment: Continued…

6 Image title IMAGE Learning Environment: narrative

7 Image title IMAGE Learning Environment: Continued

8 Image title IMAGE Physical Environment - Narrative

9 Image title IMAGE Physical Environment - Continued

10 Image title IMAGE Planning Process: Narrative

11 Image title IMAGE Planning Process: Continued

12 Floor plan Insert large format floor plan Note: Please add additional slides for additional floors

13 Exhibition of School Planning and Architecture 2011 Project Data Submitting Firm : Project Role Project Contact Title Address City, State or Province, Country Phone Joint Partner Firm: Project Role Project Contact Title Address City, State or Province, Country Phone Other Firm: Project Role Project Contact Title Address City, State or Province, Country Phone Construction Firm: Project Role Project Contact Title Address City, State or Province, Country Phone

14 Exhibition of School Planning and Architecture 2011 Project Details Project Name City State District Name Supt/President Occupancy Date Grades Housed Capacity(Students) Site Size (acres) Gross Area (sq. ft.) Per Occupant(pupil) gross/net please indicate Design and Build? If yes, Total Cost: Includes: If no, Site Development: Building Construction: Fixed Equipment: Other: Total:

15 Supporting/Supplemental files/Images Not to exceed five (5) additional slides Add additional images information

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