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Course Title. Call your Store & Change These FOUR THINGS. NOW!!! Raegan Michelle Medeiros, John Michael’s Music – Muskogee, OK, Boss’ Daughter.

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Presentation on theme: "Course Title. Call your Store & Change These FOUR THINGS. NOW!!! Raegan Michelle Medeiros, John Michael’s Music – Muskogee, OK, Boss’ Daughter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Course Title

2 Call your Store & Change These FOUR THINGS. NOW!!! Raegan Michelle Medeiros, John Michael’s Music – Muskogee, OK, Boss’ Daughter

3 Take Down Signs & Posters Branding for Someone Else Focus Give it Away

4 Be the Car Wash!?! Levels of Service Don’t Give it Away Another way to Up Sell Display Your Product

5 Our Results 8 out of 20 Customers are upgrading

6 Switch Your Slat Wall Tags Old Tag –User Error –Labor Intensive –Mixed Messages

7 The NEW TAGS Easy Price Updates Less Cost Reorders – Easier Inventory – Yuck, but better yuck ! Raegan’s Amazing Guitar Strings Price $XXXX

8 Your Final Answer – New Swing Tags Plastic Fasteners Plastic Reusable Sleeves

9 Attachment - Be Specific Where? How? Who? Take off the extras!

10 STEAL AN IDEA! You Should Do IT! Thank you David Shauberger

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