SAP Overview SAP? Company ERP Software package –R/2 –R/3.

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Presentation on theme: "SAP Overview SAP? Company ERP Software package –R/2 –R/3."— Presentation transcript:


2 SAP Overview

3 SAP? Company ERP Software package –R/2 –R/3

4 Why ERP Integration Best business practices Standardization

5 Why not ERP? Complexity Cost Inflexibility

6 SAP R/3 System Business Modules LogisticalFinancial

7 R/3 System: Hardware/Software Views

8 Typical Client Server Architectures Central System Two - tier Distributed System Two - tier Client/Server Three - tier Client/Server Multi-layer Cooperative Client/Server PresentationApplicationDatabase

9 Database and Application R/3 System Configurations Central System SAP 2-Tier Configuration3-Tier ConfigurationWeb-enabled Presentation Database, Application, Presentation Database Application Presentation Internet Transaction Service/Web Service In a central R/3 System configuration, one host is responsible for all processing tasks.

10 Database and Application R/3 System Configurations Central Systems SAP 2-Tier Configuration3-Tier ConfigurationWeb-enabled Presentation Database, Application, Presentation Database Application Presentation Internet Transaction Service/Web Service Two ‑ tier R/3 System configurations are usually implemented using special presentation servers that are responsible solely for formatting the graphical interface. Many R/3 System users use PCs with Microsoft Windows ‑ installed, for example, as presentation servers.

11 An alternative two ‑ tier configuration is to install powerful desktop systems and to use these for presentation and applications (two ‑ tier client/server). This type of configuration is particularly useful for expensive applications (such as simulations) or for software developers. Database and Application R/3 System Configurations Central Systems SAP 2-Tier Configuration 3-Tier ConfigurationWeb-enabled Presentation Database, Application, Presentation Database Application Presentation Internet Transaction Service/Web Service

12 In a three ‑ tier configuration, you use your own host for the three tiers. Using data from the database server, several different application servers can operate at the same time. To ensure that the load on individual servers is as even as possible and to achieve optimal performance, you can use special application servers for individual application areas such as sales planning, distribution or financial accounting. Database and Application R/3 System Configurations Central Systems SAP 2-Tier Configuration3-Tier ConfigurationWeb-enabled Presentation Database, Application, Presentation Database Application Presentation Internet Transaction Service/Web Service

13 Database and Application R/3 System Configurations Central Systems SAP 2-Tier Configuration3-Tier ConfigurationWeb-enabled Presentation Database, Application, Presentation Database Application Presentation Internet Transaction Service/Web Service To web ‑ enable the SAP Applications, a Web Server and an ITS (Internet Transaction Server) are needed. The web ‑ service and the services for the ITS can run on one server or on two dedicated servers. The presentation in this configuration is provided by an Internet Browser. The new SAP Web platform is NetWeaver.

14 Basis System: Three-Tier Computer Hierarchy Input / Output of data to users Access to Dataase: (Read / Write data) Central Database (Storage of all data) Database Application Presentation Processing of data using application logic Presentation of the processed data to the user

15 Client/Server Overview Client Server LAN/WAN TCP / IP

16 Client/Server Overview (Logical Structure) Presentation Data StorageApplication Logic Client Server





21 Sample SAP System Landscape Development TestingProduction Database Servers Application Servers Presentation Servers

22 Object Migration Program A Table A Screen A Program A Table A Screen A Program A Table A Screen A Development QA TestingProduction Corrections and Transport

23 Object Migration Program A Version 1 Program A Version 1 Program A Version 2 Program A Version 2 Program A Version 3 Program A Version 3 Program A Version 1 Program A Version 1 Program A Version 2 Program A Version 2 Program A Version 3 Program A Version 3 Originals DevelopmentQA Testing Corrections and Transport ? ?

24 Geography-based Clients R/3 America R/3 Europe R/3 Japan America Client 010 Japan Client 030 Europe Client 020

25 Client Copies Configuration Development Interface Testing Quality Assurance User Training

26 ERP: Integration Integrate people, data and business processes within and between organizations. Collaboration, non-redundancy, consistency and internal process optimization.

27 Procurement Process Outline Agreement Demand Purchase Requisition Vendor Purchase Order Goods Receipt & Inventory Mgmt. Accounts Payable Invoice Verification Scheduling Agreement

28 Production Process Goods Issue Shop Floor Goods Receipt Order Settlement Schedule/Release

29 Sales Process — Trading Goods Customer OrderPicking Goods Issue BillingAccounts Receivable Packing

30 Sales Process Finished Goods Customer Order Availability Check Goods Issue BillingPartial Payment Final Payment

31 Sales Process Finished Goods Customer Order Availability Check - Insufficient - Independent Demand MRP Run Production Scheduling Purchasing Dependent Demand

32 Process Flow Goods Issue to Shop Floor Goods Receipt Production Goods Issue BillingAccounts Receivable

33 Client This is a numeric field. This number defines a whole business entity.

34 User Every SAP user has a user name. Users of SAP system are client-specific, which means that having a user identification on one client will only allow access to that particular client.

35 Password Rules Letters Numbers Easy to remember 3-8 Characters long No 3 Characters can be the same Do not start with a ? or an ! Do not use previous 5 passwords

36 Language SAP supports multi-national character sets and languages on the same system, at the same time. Default languages are English and German.

37 Field Types There are three types of Entry Fields –Required –Default entry –Optional entry field

38 Sessions An SAP session is a window in which the user may perform a particular task. A User may have up to nine sessions open at one time.

39 SAP R/3 Resource Management: The Dispatcher Data base Application Presentation Buffers Work Process Work Process Work Process Dispatcher SAP GUI Communications

40 SAP Memory Buffer Relational database system SAP GUI SAP R/3 Resource Management: Data Flow Data base Application Presentation Work Process Dispatcher Terminal Process Request queues 1 1 3 3 2 2 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 Roll Page

41 SAP Dispatcher SAP R/3 Resource Management: Work Processes Background JobsSpoolEnqueueDialogUpdateMessage M Gateway R/2 R/3 G A A B B C C

42 SAP R/3 Resource Management: Lock Management by the Enqueue Work Process Work Process Update Work Process Enqueue Dispatcher Work Process Update Work Process Enqueue Dispatcher Lock table in main storage Message Server Instance A Instance B

43 Message Server The SAP Message Server runs as a separate process mostly on the same host as the central instance. Only one message server can run on each SAP System. The task of the message server is to inform all the servers (instances) belonging to an SAP System of the existence of the other servers. It can also be contacted by other clients (for example, SAPlogon, RFC clients with load balancing) to get information about load balancing.

44 SAP R/3 Resource Management: R/3 Instance Dialog.. Update Spool Back- ground Enqueue Dispatcher Database Instance Database Instance Message Server Message Server SAP Gateway SAP Gateway Instance Profiles (parameters) Instance Profiles (parameters) SAP Buffers Start or Stop Start or Stop Central Instance

45 SAP R/3 Resource Management: Distributed SAP R/3 Processing DialogUpdate Enqueue Spool Dispatcher Mess- age Gate- way Instance 01 Enqueue Dialog... Dispatcher Instance 02 Dialog Back- ground Enqueue Dispatcher Instance 03

46 Reporting Three basic steps to running a report –Access the report –Enter selection criteria –Execute the report

47 System Messages   E - Error – An invalid entry has been made. – The cursor moves to the field where the error has occurred.  W - Warning – A possible error has been made. –The user can continue without changing.  I – Information – Feedback from the system.

48 Customizing - Modeling the Business –Organizational Structures in each module –Master Data - Customers, Materials, … –Rules - required entries, tolerances, …

49 Mapping –Assignment of organizational structures to reflect the enterprise model –Establishes integration among modules

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