Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Lynn Donkin – Public Health Specialist.

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Presentation on theme: "Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Lynn Donkin – Public Health Specialist."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Lynn Donkin – Public Health Specialist

2 What is JSNA? JSNA is a process to identify the health and wellbeing needs and inequalities of a local population to inform more effective and targeted service provision Key points: –Big picture of current and future needs –Wide ranging: health, well-being and inequalities –Joint responsibility of NHS Blackpool and Blackpool Council

3 What is JSNA?

4 How can JSNA support partners across Blackpool to tackle the social inequalities in health identified within Marmot’s review? Can be used to engage people and communities in determining commissioning priorities Identification of inequalities in health and health care, e.g. ward profiles, disease based needs assessments Develop a shared understanding across all sectors of the health determinants and well being priorities of the people of Blackpool Support an evidence based approach by facilitating access to the evidence of effective interventions for commissioners

5 What’s new since last year? Profile of inequalities between wards within Blackpool. Health and wellbeing profiles of GP practice populations within Blackpool Areas with similar demographic and health statistics to Blackpool (our ‘statistical neighbours’) have been identified for use in benchmarking. Improved understanding of the factors contributing to changing life expectancy in Blackpool. Feedback from consultation with commissioners. An event was held for commissioning managers in December 2009.


7 What to expect from the JSNA over the coming months Research into transience and migration Modelling the impact of housing strategy and proposed housing developments on population change Detailed needs assessments for diabetes, dementia, pharmacy, COPD Analyses and modelling of interventions to aimed at reducing all age, all cause mortality Review membership of Blackpool’s JSNA Strategic Group Ongoing dialogue with commissioners Consultation with members of the public e.g. consultation on health and wellbeing at Area Forums.

8 Access to the JSNA NHS Blackpool website Public Health Annual Report Contacts: Lynn Donkin 01253 651044 Public Health Specialist, NHS Blackpool Sara Coombs01253 651938 Performance,Information and Systems Manager, Blackpool Council Nicola Stubbins01253 476531 Senior Children’s Officer (Planning and Performance), Blackpool Council Scott Butterfield01253 477139 Research and Intelligence Manager, Blackpool Council Jonathan Peters01253 651285 Senior Public Health Analyst, NHS Blackpool

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