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Title: Supporting report for request of conditional approval to forward P802.16h to RevCom Document Number: 802.16-09/0039 Date Submitted: July 16, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Title: Supporting report for request of conditional approval to forward P802.16h to RevCom Document Number: 802.16-09/0039 Date Submitted: July 16, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title: Supporting report for request of conditional approval to forward P802.16h to RevCom Document Number: 802.16-09/0039 Date Submitted: July 16, 2009 Source: Chair of LE TG: Mariana GoldhamerVoice:+972 3 645 6241 ALVARION 21a HaBarzel Street, Tel Aviv, Israel Venue: Session #62, 13-16 July, 2009 Base Document: Purpose: Notice This document does not represent the agreed views of the IEEE 802.16 Working Group or any of its subgroups. It represents only the views of the participants listed in the Source(s) field above. It is offered as a basis for discussion. It is not binding on the contributor(s), who reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEEs name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEEs sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802.16. Patent Policy: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE-SA Patent Policy and Procedures: and. 7.html#6 Further information is located at and.

2 Rules –LMSC P&P Clause 19: Motions requesting conditional approval to forward where the prior ballot has closed shall be accompanied by: - Date the ballot closed - Vote tally including Approve, Disapprove and Abstain votes - Comments that support the remaining disapprove votes and Working Group responses - Schedule for confirmation ballot and resolution meeting.

3 Date the Ballot closed 25 April 2009 First Ballot –BALLOT OPENED: 6-Aug-2008 BALLOT CLOSED: 5-Sep-2008 First Recirc. –BALLOT OPENED: 4-Dec-2008 BALLOT CLOSED: 25-Dec-2008 Second Recirc. –BALLOT OPENNED: 10-Apr-2009 –BALLOT CLOSED: 25-Apr-2009

4 Vote tally including Approve, Disapprove and Abstain votes Approve: 100 Disapprove: 8 Abstain: 5 Return ratio: 84.3% Approve ratio: 92.6% So far 2 emails with commitments to change Disapprove votes This will bring the approval ratio at 94.4%

5 Comments that support the remaining disapprove votes and Working Group responses Sponsor Ballot: –23 outstanding disapprove comments Sponsor Ballot Recirc #1: – 3 outstanding disapprove comments Sponsor Ballot Recirc #2: – 14 outstanding disapprove comments

6 List of outstanding negative comments Note: in the back-up part of this presentation there are some comments referenced in the resolution of the outstanding comments

7 Comment 776

8 Comment 778

9 Comment 781

10 Comment 782

11 Comment 785

12 Comment 786

13 Comment 790

14 Comment 793

15 Comment 794

16 Comment 795

17 Comment 796

18 Comment 797

19 Comment 798

20 Comment 799

21 Comment 800

22 Comment 801

23 Comment 802

24 Comment 803

25 Comment 807

26 Comment 813

27 Comment 842 and 845

28 Comment 847

29 Comment A7

30 Comment A8

31 Comment A9

32 Comment A22

33 Comment B01

34 Comment B46

35 Comment B47

36 Comment B48

37 Comment B52

38 Comments B54 and B55

39 Comment B58

40 Comment B59

41 Comment B61

42 Comment B62 and B63

43 Comment B64

44 Schedule for Confirmation Ballot and Resolution Meeting Aug. 5: Open recirculation Aug. 21: Close recirculation Sept. 24: End comment resolution at Hawaii meeting Oct. 1: Start new recircirculation Oct. 19: Deadline submittal for RevCom meeting

45 Motion 1 To authorize the LE TG Editor to create the WG draft IEEE P802.16h/D10 based on IEEE P802.16h/D9 and the comment resolutions recorded in data-base IEEE 802.16-09/0031r2 and to initiate a Sponsor Recirculation Ballot. WG vote:

46 Motion 2 To ask the WG to authorize the 802.16 WG Chair to request Conditional Approval from the IEEE 802 Executive Committee to forward the IEEE P802.16h Draft to RevCom WG Vote:

47 Back-up slides

48 Comment 814

49 Comment 619

50 Comment 641

51 Comments 663 and 664

52 Comment 710

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