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Salvete! Mihi nomen est Magistra Whipple – The name Magistra Whipple is to me **mihi = Dative of Possession** Quod tibi nomen est? – What name is to you?

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Presentation on theme: "Salvete! Mihi nomen est Magistra Whipple – The name Magistra Whipple is to me **mihi = Dative of Possession** Quod tibi nomen est? – What name is to you?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Salvete! Mihi nomen est Magistra Whipple – The name Magistra Whipple is to me **mihi = Dative of Possession** Quod tibi nomen est? – What name is to you? **tibi = ????** – Responde: Mihi nomen est _____________

2 Quid agis? – Idiom – How are you? – Literally means “What are you doing?” Responde – Bene = well -- Optime= very well – Male=badly -- Pessime= very badly

3 Go over Sylabus Today’s homework: – Look up in an English dictionary to find the English definition and the Latin root word Nominate Binomial Nomenclature

4 Why are you taking Latin? 1. Origin of medical terms Patella = little bowl = – kneecap Latissimus dorsi = – widest of the back = back muscle Muscle = mus + culum = – little mouse

5 Genuflect = – bend at the knee Oral = os, oris = – mouth aural = auris = ear Osculum = os + culum = – little mouth = kiss – (osculate = to kiss)

6 Why are you taking Latin? 2. Legal terms Habeas corpus = – you may have the body court order which directs the law enforcement officials (prison administrators, police or sheriff) who have custody of a prisoner to appear in court with the prisoner to help the judge determine whether the prisoner is lawfully in prison or jail. Modus operandi = – M.O. of a crime = method of operating – (operandi is a gerund)

7 Why are you taking Latin? 3. Increase vocabulary Umbrella = umbra=shade + ella = small ===== little shade So who is Cinderella????? Somnambulist = somnium + ambulo Compounds of specto: Spectacle, spectacular, inspect, circumspect, respect, disrespect Prospect

8 Compounds of duco: Ductile, induce, deduce, deduct, product, conduct, reduce, introduce, Seduce Compounds of scribo (scriptum): Inscribe, prescribe, describe, proscribe, conscribe, post scriptum

9 Is it a dead language???? Do you need to know how to say “Where is the bathroom?” Ubi est latrina? Or do you need to know the word ubiquitous?

10 Common phrases (mottoes) Labor omnia vincit. Labor conquers all Ad astra per aspera. To the stars through difficulties On the dollar bill: E pluribus unum One out of many annuit coeptis He has blessed the undertakings. novus ordo seclorum New order of the ages. A.D. = Anno Domini In the year of the Lord B.C. – before Christ

11 Dollar Bill

12 Roman History Overview April 21, 753 B.C. founding of Rome by Romulus and Remus 753-509 B.C. Monarchy (7 kings) 509- 44 B.C. Republic 27 B.C. - 476 A.D. Empire (west falls) -1453 A.D. Empire (east falls) Maps

13 Latium Rome Latium Naples Tiber River Apennine Mountains Tyrrhenian Sea Adriatic Sea Venice Florence

14 Important things to know about Latin Origin of the term Latin: – Latium = area around Rome – Latinus = early king of Rome whose daughter, Lavinia, married Aeneas Origin of the Romance languages: – Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Romanian – Roman --> Romance

15 Another important thing to know Latin is an Inflected language - not a language of order, but a language of – bent “flect” words. – E.G. Labor omnia vincit = Omnia vincit labor Does NOT mean Latin has no order, just means order is a guideline, not a rule necessary for understanding the language – Typical order: subject object verb

16 What word describes you? Altus, alta = tall Brevis, brevis = short candidus, -a = bright, shining Parvus, parva Magnus, magna Stultus, stulta = stupid Fatuus, fatua = foolish Ignavus, ignava=lazy Diligens,diligens Piger, pigra= lazy Bonus Malus Miser, misera Pulcher, pulchra Clarus Laetus Felix

17 How about these? pinguis, pinguis gravis, gravis clemens rotundus fortis intelligens sapiens longus latus fidelis fidus caeruleus flavus ruber, rubra saevus ferus beatus Tacitus Solus

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