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American History Review. When did the war with Britain begin?

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Presentation on theme: "American History Review. When did the war with Britain begin?"— Presentation transcript:

1 American History Review

2 When did the war with Britain begin?

3 1812

4 What major battle did the Americans under Andrew Jackson win?

5 Battle of New Orleans

6 Name the Supreme Court case that confirmed the use of implied powers?

7 McCulloch v. Maryland

8 What was the name of the covered wagons that many people used for travel?

9 Conestoga

10 Name the political statement that told European powers to stay out of this hemisphere?

11 Monroe Doctrine

12 How did the cotton gin affect slavery?

13 Cotton picking now 10x more efficient – slavery increases/stays in place

14 What three issues began to divide the nation into sectional interests?

15 Slavery, Tariffs, Free Land vs. Market Value

16 Name the system of internal improvements designed to unite the nation?

17 American System

18 Who were the promoters of the internal improvements?

19 Clay & Calhoun

20 Name the compromise that determined the future of slavery in the new states after 1820?

21 Missouri Compromise

22 Who won the election of 1824?

23 John Quincy Adams

24 What group eventually began to encourage war against Britain?

25 War Hawks

26 How was John Quincy Adams chosen to be President?

27 Corrupt Bargain

28 Who won the election of 1828?

29 Andrew Jackson

30 Who was commonly called the “Common Man’s President”?

31 Andrew Jackson

32 What is the practice of giving jobs as rewards for service called?

33 Spoils System

34 What large Indian group resisted the efforts of the gov’t to move them?

35 Cherokee (will also accept: 5 Civilized Tribes or any tribe included)

36 What was the forced migration of this group called?

37 Trail of Tears

38 What state nearly left the Union over the high tariff of 1828?

39 South Carolina

40 What did Eli Whitney do for the United States?

41 Interchangeable Parts & Cotton Gin

42 Why did Jackson kill the National Bank?

43 Felt it benefitted wealthy & was unconsitutional

44 The British managed to partially destroy which U.S. city?

45 Washington, DC

46 What political party arose to oppose Jackson and his followers?

47 Whigs

48 Which President died soon after taking office?

49 William Henry Harrison

50 Which Vice-President became the first to become President?

51 John Tyler

52 Which reformer promoted free public education?

53 Horace Mann

54 Which reformer advocated mental hospital reformers?

55 Dorthea Dix

56 Name the Convention where women stated their belief in equal rights?

57 Seneca Falls Convention

58 What speech was made at this convention – wording based upon the Declaration of Independence.

59 Declaration of Sentiments

60 System of abolitionists who helped slaves escape to freedom?

61 Underground Railroad

62 Group of artists who painted landscapes of the American frontier?

63 Hudson River School

64 Wrote “Walden” and “Civil Disobedience”?

65 Henry David Thoreau

66 Movement to ban alcohol?

67 Temperance Movement

68 Which Supreme Court case stated that the government has implied powers?

69 McCulloch v. Maryland

70 What was the importance of the Monroe Doctrine?

71 US to keep Europe out of our hemisphere – US to stay out of Europe

72 Which former Indian fighter was elected President in 1840?

73 William Henry Harrison

74 What part of the national government did Andrew Jackson feel was bad for the nation?

75 National Bank

76 How were the state banks that Jackson placed the money into referred to?

77 Pet Banks

78 How was the tariff that almost cause SC to secede referred to?

79 Tariff of Abominations?

80 What issue led to the Nullification Crisis?

81 Tariffs

82 Under which president did the Nullification Crisis take place and what was their response?

83 Jackson – was going to send military to SC to keep them from seceding

84 What was the main issue under debate in the Missouri Compromise?

85 Slavery

86 Where did the largest American victory happen in the war of 1812?

87 New Orleans

88 Which two men were the leaders behind the American system?

89 Clay & Calhoun

90 Term for the long deadly journey Native Americans took while being relocated west?

91 Trail of Tears

92 Law signed by President Jackson that removed the Native Americans from their land?

93 Indian Removal Act of 1830

94 Who are the 5 “civilized tribes”?

95 Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, Seminole

96 “The Great Silence” refers to what issue?

97 Slavery

98 A feeling of intense loyalty and devotion to one’s country is called?

99 Nationalism

100 What is the goal of the temperance movement?

101 Moderation of alcohol

102 What issue was brought to the surface by the Tariffs of 1828?

103 Supremacy of Federal Gov’t – States cannot nullify/secede

104 What did Eli Whitney create that helped increase industry in the north?

105 Interchangeable Parts

106 In what Supreme Court case did the power of judicial review originate?

107 Marbury v. Madison

108 What connected the Hudson River to Lake Erie?

109 Erie Canal

110 What was the goal of abolitionists?

111 Abolition of Slavery

112 What is suffrage?

113 The Right to Vote

114 What does the term “Separate Spheres” refer to?

115 Separation of men & women’s roles in society

116 Who led a slave revolt in which white southerners were killed in the middle of the night?

117 Nat Turner

118 What is the term for the system of “true womanhood” in which a woman’s place is in the home?

119 Cult of Domesticity

120 What did Dorthea Dix advocate for?

121 Reform to mental health, hospitals, and prisons

122 Who was the well-spoken former slave who managed to become a friend of Abraham Lincoln?

123 Frederick Douglass

124 What was the first college to accept females?

125 Oberlin College

126 Who created the mechanical reaper?

127 Cyrus McCormick

128 To be anti-immigrant

129 Nativism

130 What secret political party was anti-immigrant?

131 Know-Nothing Party

132 What new groups of immigrants were being oppressed in the mid-1800s?

133 Irish & Italians

134 What is the theory that the US should span coast-to- coast?

135 Manifest Destiny

136 Who founded the Mormons?

137 Joseph Smith

138 Who led the Mormons to Utah?

139 Brigham Young

140 Who led settlers into Texas?

141 Stephen Austin

142 In what battle for independence were Texans defeated – and later used as a rallying cry?

143 Alamo

144 Who was the first president of Texas?

145 Sam Houston

146 What was the name of the independent nation of Texas?

147 The Lone Star Republic

148 What settlers moving west were trapped in the Rocky Mountains and had to resort to cannibalism?

149 Donner Party

150 What is the name of the trail taken west by settlers?

151 Oregon Trail

152 What did James K. Polk use as his election slogan and what did it mean?

153 54-40 or Fight

154 While Polk did not take what he had promised in his campaign, what did he annex into America?

155 Texas and parts of Mexico

156 In what year did the California Gold Rush take place?

157 1849

158 What is a panic?

159 Recession or Depression

160 What treaty ended the War of 1812?

161 Treaty of Ghent

162 What political party emerged stronger than ever from the War of 1812?

163 Democratic-Republicans

164 What treaty caused the US to acquire Florida?

165 Adams-Onis Treaty

166 What was the Hartford Convention and what did the New England states involved threaten?

167 New England’s desire to end war with England – secession if they were unable to end war.

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