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What Would we do Without Water? Grade 4 MST Inquiry Unit by Aislinn Forbes, Julie Jackson & Janine Miller.

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Presentation on theme: "What Would we do Without Water? Grade 4 MST Inquiry Unit by Aislinn Forbes, Julie Jackson & Janine Miller."— Presentation transcript:

1 What Would we do Without Water? Grade 4 MST Inquiry Unit by Aislinn Forbes, Julie Jackson & Janine Miller

2 Table of Contents NYC Scope & Sequence Standards......... Slide 3-5 Holistic Graph.............................. Slide 6 Lesson 1............................... Slide 7-10 Lesson 2.............................. Slide 11-15 Lesson 4.............................. Slide 16-19 Additional Information.................... Slide 20 Scavenger Hunt website Filamentality website

3 NYC Scope & Sequence Grade 4 Unit 3 Content Standards PS 3.1 Observe, describe, and explore the physical properties of water PS 3.2 Water is recycled by natural processes on earth. PS 2.1c Describe the water cycle PS 2.1 Explore how different factors affect evaporation. PS 3.1 Predict, observe and examine different substances to determine their ability to mix with water. PS 4.1 Predict and investigate the effect of heat energy on objects and materials PS 3.2c Describe the physical changes of materials

4 NYC Scope & Sequence Grade 4 Unit 3 Content Standards Inquiry Skills Classifying: arranging or distributing objects, events, or information according to some method or system. Communicating: giving oral and written explanations or graphic representation of observations Comparing and contrasting: identifying similarities and differences between or among objects, events, data, systems, etc. Process Skills v. Use information systems appropriately. viii. Use and record appropriate units for measured or calculated values. x. Classify objects according to an established scheme. xiii. Observe, analyze, and report observations of objects and events. xvii. Observed, collect, organize and appropriately graph data, then accurately interpret results.

5 NYC Scope & Sequence Grade 4 Unit 3 Content Standards Process Skills xviii. Collect and organize data, choosing the appropriate representation: journal entries, graphs, or drawings. xxii. Plan, design, and implement a short-term investigation based on a student or teacher posed problem. xxiii. Communicate procedures and conclusions through oral and written Inquiry Skills Gathering and organizing data: collecting information about objects and events which illustrate a specific situation Generalizing: drawing general conclusions from particulars Making Decisions: identifying alternatives and choosing a course of action from among the alternatives after basing the judgment for the selection on justifiable reasons. Interpreting Data: analyzing data that have been obtained and organized by determining apparent patterns or relationships in the data.

6 Holistic Graph

7 Lesson 1: Uses of Water Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge and Comprehension Gardner's Multiple Intelligences: Linguistic, Logical/Mathematical, Interpersonal, Visual- Spatial Children's Literature: Going Blue by Cathryn Berger Kaye and Philippe Cousteau Additives: Manipulative skill: grouping objects, Bar graph

8 Lesson 1: Uses of Water Behavioral Objectives: 1. To classify and record how much water is used to make various everyday objects. 2. To estimate how much water one uses on a daily basis and convert that information into a graphic representation. 3. To write about one's discussion of the daily use of water with peers.

9 Lesson 1: Uses of Water Motivation/Constructivist Activity: Watch Calculate Your Water Footprint News reportCalculate Your Water Footprint News report

10 Lesson 1: Uses of Water Assessments: 1. Group objects according to how much water it takes to make it. 2. Calculate your Daily Indoor Water Use and createDaily Indoor Water Use a bar graph 3. Share what you've learned about your water footprint with your friends and write about it!

11 Lesson 2:The Water Cycle Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge, Comprehension and Analysis Gardners Multiple Intelligence: Linguistic, Logical/Mathematical and Visual/Spatial Additives: Study Jams: The Water Cycle video (Web 2.0 Tool); Filamentality WebQuest (Web 2.0 Tool); The Magic School Bus Wet All over: A Book about the Water Cycle (Children’s Literature)

12 Lesson 2:The Water Cycle Behavioral Objectives: 1. To work collaboratively in groups to complete the “Water Cycle Scavenger Hunt,” providing an accurate definition of water cycle; how it works; and the essential elements of it. 2. To Measure and record the amount of water that evaporates over a period of time. (Lab activity). 3.Demonstrate understanding of the water cycle by creating a model of it.

13 Lesson 2:The Water Cycle Motivational Constructivist Activity -Read -aloud: Magic School Bus Wet All over: a Book about the Water Cycle By Joanna Cole (Kindle Edition

14 Lesson 2: Water Cycle Scavenger Hunt Questions & Answers

15 Lesson 2: The Water Cycle Assessment: To assess the behavioral objectives throughout the lesson a rubric will be used. The rubric will measure the student’s ability to: 1. Work collaboratively in groups to complete the “Water Cycle Scavenger Hunt,” providing an accurate definition of water cycle; how it works; and the essential elements of it. 2. Measure and record the amount of water that evaporates over a period of time. 3. Demonstrate understanding of the water cycle by creating a model of it.

16 Lesson 4 : Water Quality Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge and Comprehension Gardner's Multiple Intelligence(s): Visual-Spatial and Naturalistic Children's Literature: Sally Ride Science: Clean Water by Beth Geiger, Water Pollution by Rhonda Lucas Donald, Watch Over Our Water by Lisa Bullard, Water Pollution (Our Environment) by Peggy J. Parks, and Water Pollution (Earth’s Conditions) by Andrew Donnelly Additives: BrainPOP video (Web 2.0 tool) Graphic organizer Behavioral Objectives: 1. Students will complete the water pollution graphic organizer, demonstrating that they know what polluted means, and are able to list different sources of water pollution. 2. Students will be able to describe the way water pollution affects humans and aquatic life through writing. 3. Students will be able to illustrate the difference between clean and polluted water and aquatic life. 4. Students will be able to solve word problems using equations that have unknown variable represented by a letter or symbol.

17 Lesson 4 : Water Quality Behavioral Objectives: 1. Students will complete the water pollution graphic organizer, demonstrating that they know what polluted means, and are able to list different sources of water pollution. 2. Students will be able to describe the way water pollution affects humans and aquatic life through writing. 3. Students will be able to illustrate the difference between clean and polluted water and aquatic life. 4. Students will be able to solve word problems using equations that have unknown variable represented by a letter or symbol.

18 Lesson 4: Water Quality Motivation/Constructivist Activity: Show BrainPOP video Water Pollution

19 Lesson 4: Water Quality Assessments: 1. Complete the water pollution cause & effects graphic organizer 2. Create a cross-section illustration that contrasts healthy water and polluted water 3. Write about the way water pollution affects humans and aquatic life 4. Complete water pollution word problems math worksheet

20 Additional Information StudyJams! The Water Cycle. (n.d.). Retrieved from cle/ cle/ Filamentality Web Page. (n.d.).

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