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 Biogeochemical Cycles are the “interactions between organisms and their environment” › - New World Encyclopedia, 2008.

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2  Biogeochemical Cycles are the “interactions between organisms and their environment” › - New World Encyclopedia, 2008

3 Lesson 1: The Phosphorous Cycle Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge Application Multiple Intelligence Level: Intrapersonal Visual-Spatial Additives: Youtube video Graphic organizer Behavioral Objective: 1.To define and identify the parts of the phosphorous cycle 2. To begin the construction of a graphic organizer of the phosphorous cycle. Lesson 2: The Phosphorous cycle in action Blooms Taxonomy: Comprehension Evaluation Multiple Intelligence Level: Kinesthetic/Bodily Linguistic/Verbal Additives: Phosphate Rocks Clear/waterproof container Water Behavioral Objectives: 1.To make predictions of what will happen to each set of rocks 2. to assess physical characteristics of rocks Lesson 3: The Water Cycle Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge Comprehension Application Multiple Intelligence Level: Naturalistic Bodily/Kinesthetic Additives: Empty plastic soda bottles Water Marker Behavioral Objectives: 1. To identify and explain the phases of the water cycle. 2. To demonstrate on phase of the water cycle, evaporation, through the use of manipulatives. Lesson 4: Seeing Evaporation Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge Application Evaluation Multiple Intelligence Level: Mathematical/logical Interpersonal Visual/Spatial Additives: Graph Paper Markers Behavioral Objectives: 1. To collect and report data. 2. To be able to classify in a graph form Lesson 5: Finding Water Bloom’s Taxonomy: Application Analysis Evaluation Multiple Intelligence Level: Interpersonal Bodily/Kinesthetic Additives: Filamentality Website Worksheet Behavioral Objectives: 1.To use information from the filimentality website to make conclusions. 2. To make inferences based on given information. 3. To summarize what they found on their scavenger hunt Lesson 6: Water of the world Bloom’s Taxonomy: Analysis Synthesis Multiple Intelligence Level: Interpersonal Visual/Spatial Mathematical Additives: Filimentality website Graph paper Behavioral Objectives: 1. To analyze information 2. to formulate a graph

4  Evaporation is the process of water turning into vapor. Students will have the chance to watch an animated simulation of evaporation, learn the steps and causes of evaporation and set up an evaporation experiment and observation in their classroom. Students will make predictions, record data, and analyze the information that is collected.

5  Students will be tasked to integrate their computer skills, literacy skills, and science skills to go on a scavenger hunt. Students will be searching through five different websites, all located on our filamentality website to answer questions about The Water Cycle.

6  Students will be using their analytical skills to read and interpret three graph. The graphs have useful information as well as information not needed for the assignment. Students will take the necessary and useful information to then make their own graph.


8  Our website is separated into six categories: › Biogeochemical Cycles › The Water Cycle › The Phosphorous Cycle › YouTube Videos › Stories › Virtual Field Trips  BioGeoChemical Cycles BioGeoChemical Cycles  This webpage explore both the phosphorus cycle and the Water cycle using reading material, stories, visual representations, manipulatives, and virtual field trips which the students can relate to and easily understand.

9 EarthGuides: The Water Cycle Evaporation and Transpiration Youtube - The Water Cycle Drippy The RainDrop

10 Natural Phosphorous Reservoirs Youtube - The Phosphorous Cycle

11  Biogeochemical Cycles (2008). In New World Encyclopedia. Retrieved from http://www.newworldencyclopedia.or g/entry/Biogeochemical_cycle  Perlman, H. (2010). Water Distribution: Where is Water on, in, and above the Earth? Retrieved from

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