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In The Footsteps Of The Master: The Life and Times of Jesus Christ The House of Herod September 27, 2009

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1 In The Footsteps Of The Master: The Life and Times of Jesus Christ The House of Herod September 27, 2009

2 The House of Herod Why in the world would we spend an entire class period talking about the Herods? I’d like to begin with a quote from one of my favorite Biblical scholars: –“The Herod Family Tree doesn’t have many branches.” Dr. Mike Parker 2

3 The House of Herod 3 The Herod Family Tree (more like a topiary...)

4 From the Exile Forward DateRuling EntityCulture 931 BCDivided KingdomJewish 722 BCAssyriaAssyrian 586 BCBabyloniaBabylonian 539 BCMedo-PersianPersian 334 BCAlexandrianGreek 324 BCEgyptian (Ptolemies) Greek 204 BCSyrian (Seleucids) Greek 165 BCMaccabeanJewish 142 BCHasmoneanGreek/Jewish 63 BCRomanGreek/Roman 4

5 Antipater II - Founding Father An Idumean (Edomite) Shrewd and seditious –Founder of the Herodian Dynasty Politically ambitious, though not be able to assume Jewish throne or High Priesthood –Allied himself with Hyrcanus II, one of the last Hasmonean kings –Found favor of the Roman general Pompey –Julius Caesar appointed Hyrcanus as Ethnarch (national leader) of the Jews, and Antipater as administrator of Judea 5

6 Antipater II (cont.) While supporting Hyrcanus publicly, Antipater had aspirations of his own Appointed two of his sons to powerful positions in 47 BC: –Phasael as Governor of Jerusalem –Herod as Governor of Galilee 6

7 Herod the Great (73-4 BC) Began his rule of Galilee in 43 BC at age 25 –Was admired by his subjects for his leadership Politically shrewd madman During a period of intrigue and uncertainty in the Empire, he dodged numerous accusations against him and gained power at every turn Murdered wives, sons & enemies at will 7 Herod the Great

8 Herod the Great (cont.) Named king of Judea by the Romans in 39 BC –Considered himself “King of the Jews” after eliminating last of the Hasmoneans Rebuilt the Temple –Began 20 BC; completed 63 AD –Read John 2:19-21 Also built many other palaces, monuments and public edifices –Caesarea, Masada, Herodium 8

9 Herod the Great (cont.) Tried to kill Jesus a child –Read Matthew 2:1-8 Fell gravely ill (Josephus paints a horrible word picture) –Knew that everyone would rejoice at his death, but expected mourning –Rounded up prominent men, locked them in the arena at Jericho and ordered his men to kill them upon his death Died in 4 BC –Kingdom divided among three sons 9

10 Herod Archelaus Reigned over a portion of his father’s kingdom as “ethnarch” (4 BC – 6 AD) –Territory included Judea Was the reason that Joseph and Mary went to Galilee –And settled in Nazareth –Read Matthew 2:22 Deemed brutal and incompetent by Rome and replaced 10

11 Philip the Tetrarch Ruled as Tetrarch over ¼ of Herod’s kingdom from 4BC until his death in 34 AD Mentioned in Luke 3:1 Married Herodias’ daughter (and his step- niece), Salome 11

12 Herod Antipas Ruled as Tetrarch over ¼ of Herod’s kingdom from 4BC until 39 AD Put John the Baptist in prison –Read Luke 3:19 Jesus called him a “fox” –Read Luke 13:31-33 Married to Herodias –Ex-wife of his half-brother (Herod II or Philip I) –His niece; daughter of his half-brother, Aristobulus 12

13 Herod Antipas (cont.) Executed John the Baptist at the request of his step-daughter (and half-niece), Salome –Read Matthew 14:3-11 Participated in Jesus’ trial –Read Luke 23:6-12 Was ultimately banished by Rome to Southern France, the result of more intra- family intrigue 13

14 The Herodians Those loyal to the family of Herod and therefore Rome Generally found in complicity with the Sadducees However, hatred makes for strange bedfellows –Read Matthew 22:15-17 –Read Mark 3:6 The Pharisees were decidedly anti- Roman, but joined forces with the Herodians against Jesus 14

15 Herod Agrippa I Grandson of Herod the Great Ruled in Palestine from 37-44 AD Last of the Herod lineage to rule over the united Jewish territories Close friend of Emperor Caligula Set himself up as a god and was eaten by worms at Caesarea –Read Acts 12:19b-23 15 Kingdom of Agrippa I

16 Drusilla Great-Granddaughter of Herod the Great –Grand-daughter of Aristobulus IV –Daughter of Herod Agrippa I Wife of Antonius Felix, Governor of Judea, before whom the Apostle Paul appeared –Read Acts 24:24-26 16

17 Herod Agrippa II Marcus Julius Agrippa, son of Herod Agrippa I, great-grandson of Herod the Great Ruled from 50-93 AD Kingdom did not include Jerusalem –But spent time there, as well as Caesarea Administrator of the Temple in Jerusalem 17 Kingdom of Agrippa II

18 Herod Agrippa II (cont.) Involved in an incestuous relationship with his sister, Bernice –She was married numerous times, but kept returning to her brother The Herod before whom Paul appeared –Read Acts 25:13-15, 22 18

19 In Conclusion This shrewd and unscrupulous family set the tone for much of the world in which Jesus and his Disciples lived Yet for all of their scheming and underhanded dealings, they were unable to stop the spread of the Kingdom of God 19

20 20 Next Week Sending Out the Disciples by Twos and Their Return

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