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Measuring Results Development goals and the drive to improve global statistics Shaida Badiee, Development Data Group.

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Presentation on theme: "Measuring Results Development goals and the drive to improve global statistics Shaida Badiee, Development Data Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Measuring Results Development goals and the drive to improve global statistics Shaida Badiee, Development Data Group

2 The need for good statistics Development is about people. But to measure development and see its effect on people, we need good statistics. James D. Wolfensohn … if we do not improve our statistical capacity in developing countries, this great opportunity will be lost. Clare Short,1999 If you cant measure it, you cant manage it. Trevor Manuel, 2001

3 Results and National Statistics Good quality national statistics are needed to manage for results Developing countries manage their poverty reduction strategies and report progress to their citizens Development partners increase the effectiveness of their aid programs Civil society increase accountability of public agencies The private sector plan investments and make markets work

4 How well can we measure results?

5 Statistical capacity indicator: Practice

6 Statistical capacity indicator: Collection

7 Statistical capacity indicator: Availability

8 Capacity scores and GNI per capita Sustainable statistical capacity is possible in low income countries

9 Statistical capacity lowest in IDA countries

10 …there have been improvements

11 …in some regions more than others Change 1999 to 2004

12 Statistics in PRSPs and CASs PRS monitoring needs national statistics Outcome indicators are used extensively, including those required for monitoring MDGs and IDA 14 a review of Joint Staff Assessments reveals that the capacity to produce and use them is limited remedial action is insufficient - even though many CASs identify the issue only some (e.g. results-based CASs) recommend action BUT AND

13 Actions to improve National Statistics 1. Monitor statistical capacity to better inform development processes Standard report on country statistical capacity, work with partners to share information about relevant capacity building initiatives

14 Monitoring statistical capacity

15 Actions to improve National Statistics 1. Monitor statistical capacity to better inform development processes Standard report on country statistical capacity, work with partners to share information about relevant capacity building initiatives 2. Implement Marrakech Action Plan for Statistics MAPS target: national statistical strategies in all IDA countries by 2006

16 Marrakech Action Plan for Statistics National level Promote strategic planning of statistical systems Prepare for the 2010 census round Increase financing for statistical capacity building International level Set up an international household survey network Undertake urgent improvements needed for MDG monitoring by 2005 Increase coordination for international statistical system

17 Progress on MAPS Trust Fund for Statistical Capacity Building and PARIS21 supporting development of national statistical strategies STATCAP lending program approved in March 2004 2010 census round UNSD leading International Household Survey Network launched in September 2004

18 Actions to improve National Statistics 1. Monitor statistical capacity to better inform development processes Standard report on country statistical capacity, work with partners to share information about relevant capacity building initiatives 2. Implement Marrakech Action Plan for Statistics MAPS target: national statistical strategies in all IDA countries by 2006 3. Accelerate production of key indicators Pilot program to demonstrate improved survey data collection and reporting practices

19 Accelerating progress Annex 6a. Household surveys in IDA countries 1999-2005 The capacity to produce statistics And the planned program of national & international surveys Are not sufficient to meet the demand for better indicators

20 What can be achieved over the next 3 years 1. Improved global monitoring and reporting Of statistical capacity and support for statistical capacity building 2. Good quality NSDS for all IDA countries Where feasible, with resources for implementation Broader inclusion of statistics in national plans 3. Pilot program in a number of countries Accelerated production of key indicators 4. Other actions of MAPs: Support for countries preparing 2010 census Securing additional resources for MAPs

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