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Earth Science Introduction Ch 1.

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1 Earth Science Introduction Ch 1

2 Earth Science is the name for the group of sciences that deal with Earth and its neighbors in space.

3 Earth Science includes 4 general areas:
Geology- the study of the Earth. Broken down into two categories: Physical Geology- studying the composition of the Earth and the process that shape it. volcanology mineralogy hydrology

4 Historical Geology – studying the changes of
The Earth, both physical and biological changes Earth’s Formation Paleontology Ice ages Plate Tectonics

5 Meteorology – study of the atmosphere, weather and climate.
Oceanography – comp. & movements of seawater, coastal processes and seafloor topography. Meteorology – study of the atmosphere, weather and climate. Clouds in upper atmosphere Violent weather The Titanic on the Ocean floor

6 Astronomy – studying the universe
and the objects in it

7 Nebular hypothesis – the solar system evolved from an enormous rotating cloud of dust and gases. The debris collects into what is now our planets

8 The Earth forms from the pieces of debris leftover after the
Sun formed. As the Earth cooled denser elements sank towards the center creating the very different layers of the Earth Least dense Less dense Most dense

9 Layers of differing Composition, sorted by Density
Descriptions based on the composition and density of the layers: Crust – least dense, rocky matter, lots of silica rock.(high in aluminum & silicon) Mantle – thick shell of dense, rocky matter(upper mantle contains common olivine and pyroxene, lower mantle the rocks contain more magnesium & iron) Core – the most dense, consists mostly of metallic iron and nickel

10 Layers of differing Physical properties
based on physical properties (solid or liquid) Lithosphere – all of the crust and the uppermost Mantle. Rocks are rigid Asthenosphere - high temp. make the rocks “plastic” and easily deformed Mesosphere - high temp & pressure make the rocks solid & strong Outer Core – Liquid, melted rock Inner Core - solid

11 Remember: which words to describe Earth’s layers?
Describing the composition of the Earth – Use: Crust, Mantle, Core Describing what the layers of the Earth LOOK like – Use: lithosphere, asthenosphere, mesosphere, outer core and inner core.

12 Ch 1.2 - Earth’s Major Spheres
Hydrosphere- all the water above, on and in the Earth 7 Water covers over 70% of the Earth. Of that 70%, 97% of it is found in the worlds oceans. That leaves only 3% of fresh water to be shared by all living things that require Fresh water!

13 Another comparison of the amt. of water available to us.

14 Atmosphere- the air above us.
Geosphere – the solid Earth. Crust, Mantle, Core Biosphere – all living things on The planet Note: how thin this layer is, but oh so important to us!

15 Ch 1.4 Earth As A System A system can be any size group of interacting parts that form a complex whole.

16 An interface is the boundary where the spheres overlap and interact
An interface is the boundary where the spheres overlap and interact. This results in very distinctive biomes. If the geosphere is mostly sand how does it effect the biosphere? Is the geosphere mostly sand due to what happens in the atmosphere? What role does the hydrosphere play in this biome?

17 How does the hydrosphere in this interface with the geosphere?
Does it effect what the type of biosphere can live on this shoreline?

18 Energy is needed to power these spheres and their interactions
Sources of energy- The Sun Earth’s interior

19 People and the Environment
The action of humans produce changes in all of the other parts of the Earth System.

20 Environment refers to everything that surrounds and influences an organism.
Environmental Science – studying the relationships between people and the natural environment

21 Resources- anything we have found a use for becomes a resource
Miner Water The Earth Sciences deal not only with the formation and occurrence of vital resources but also with maintaining supplies and the environmental impact of our use of these resources. Minerals Soil & plants Energy wildlife

22 Resource Example: ALGAE

23 Nonrenewable Resources Renewable Resources
Can NOT be replenished in a relatively short period of time. Renewable Resources Can be replenished over relatively short time spans

24 Environmental Problems Human Induced vs. Natural disaster
Air & water pollution Acid rain, ozone depletion Global warming Destroying natural habitat Earthquakes Volcanoes Tornados Floods Landslides Explain how these last two could also be human induced


26 Maps & Mapping How we represent the Earth’s surface
Chapter 1.3 Maps & Mapping How we represent the Earth’s surface

27 1.3 How We Represent the Earth’s Surface
We use a grid system Latitude – a north/south measurement, measured in degrees (0o The Equator – 90o The Poles) The lines run east/west but measure north/south Also known as: parallels

28 Longitude – the vertical lines running north/south, but measuring east/west
Measured in degrees from 0 longitude- called Prime Meridian to 180o known as The Int’l Date Line.

29 Map Projections The most accurate way to represent the Earth is a globe. A flat map can be used but since the Earth is round, some portion will always be out of proportion. It’s not very convienent

30 While it is easy to locate places due to the straight grid lines there
The Mercator Projection While it is easy to locate places due to the straight grid lines there Is a lot of distortion at the poles. (note the size of Greenland)

31 The Robinson Projection
This is one of the most widely used maps. It shows accurate distances, and shapes There is some distortion around the edges. The longitude lines are curved to reduce The area distortion at the Poles.

32 Conic Map Projection Made by wrapping a cone of paper around a globe at a particular latitude. There is almost no distortion along the line of latitude but much distortion in areas away from this latitude. Best for depicting small areas.

33 Interrupted Map Projections
Placing the worst distortion over open ocean areas. Land areas Are depicted fairly accurately. Can be difficult to read.

34 The Peters Map Projection
Straight grid lines allow for easy reading, shapes Of continents are recognizable, most accurate when Comparing actual land area. Compare to Mercator shown above

35 Topographic Maps- show elevation by means of:
Contour lines: a line on a map connecting areas of equal elevation

36 What type of relief is shown?

37 Compare the relief Of this map to the Previous one

38 Topo maps show more than just
Contour lines

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