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Dowsing By George Kounidas B4/High school Teacher: Zafi Mandali.

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1 Dowsing By George Kounidas B4/High school Teacher: Zafi Mandali

2 What is Dowsing? Dowsing is the interaction of the mind of the dowser and the energy of the object of interest. Most dowsing is used to find water and minerals. It has been used to find lost objects, even people. Also man can use it in order to dowse the suggestive energy field surrounding objects, animals and people.

3 The History of Dowsing Dowsing is reported to date back approximately 7000 years. It is accepted, however, that the Egyptians used images of forked rods in some of their artwork as did the Ancient Chinese kings. In Europe, it was known for dowsing to be used in the Middle Ages to find coal deposits. Today it is a skill used by authority .For example police use dowsers to find where murder victims are located. Past Present

4 The Act of Dowsing The person, who does the dowsing, is called the dowser. Map dowsers use a dowsing device, usually a pendulum, over maps to locate oil, minerals, persons, water, etc. However, the prototype of a dowser is the field dowser who walks around an area using a forked stick to locate underground water. A dowser, from an 18th century French book

5 The types of Dowsing Map dowsing is achieved without physically being at a site. It requires a dowsing map which could be any map of the location you are searching within. A pendulum or rod could be used. The pendulum is held over the map and will indicate when asked to show the target area by swinging or moving. On sight dowsing is when the dowser is physically present at the location where he/she is searching.

6 Dowsing Tools Pendulums The most used dowsing device, which are suitable for finding lost objects and working with maps and charts. L-rods Are often used to track energy lines of varying qualities or to scan areas other energy fields. Bobber A versatile tool which is suitable for use inside and out, consisting of a handle and a small weight on the end. V-rod Tends to be used exclusively for water divining. They are also good for outside work.

7 Does Dowsing work? Some theorize there is a psychic connection established between the dowser and the object. The dowser, by concentrating on the hidden object, is somehow able to tune in to the energy force of the object which, in turn, forces the dowsing rod or stick to move. Skeptics, of course, say that dowsing doesn't work at all. Dowsers are said to be either lucky or they have good instincts or trained knowledge for where water, minerals can be found. For believer or skeptic, there's no definitive proof either way. Albert Einstein, however, was convinced of the authenticity of dowsing.

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