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Solutions for the Education, lifelong learning and job market Risto Poutiainen Prague 28 June, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Solutions for the Education, lifelong learning and job market Risto Poutiainen Prague 28 June, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solutions for the Education, lifelong learning and job market Risto Poutiainen Prague 28 June, 2011

2 Good Practice from DART Partner Regions: The selection process Objectives Proposals Transnational events Selected Good Practices New needs and ideas CONTENT Photo: Keijo Penttinen

3 Main Objectives of the DART Project WHY? WHAT? HOW?  The DART partner regions are forerunners in Europe, leading the way in the challenges of demographic change  Ageing regions need qualitative solutions and innovative answers, for citizens, authorities and the business world  Interregional co-operation  Identification of good practices and political solutions  Exchange of experiences  Successful transfer of good practices  Contributing to improving the effectiveness of regional development policies  Developing an integrated approach for policy recommendations for regional policies and public services  Sharing good practice  Raising awareness of demographic change

4 Proposals for Good Practices from Partners Partnership  14 partners, 13 European regions and 11 countries involved Three thematic fields  Traditional and Innovative Economy  Education, Lifelong Learning and the Job Market  Health Care and Social Services Target results for the project period  26 good practices will be identified and described  13 good practices will be transferred Currently 67 good practices have been described; When transferring good practices from one region to another, all described good practices will be available

5 Transnational Back-to-Back Events Preparatory meetings  Discussion on the topics of common concern Workshop days  Identification and description of good practices in advance  Presentation of proposal for good practices  Group work  Assessment of proposals  Selection of good practices by voting democratically (evaluative coffee break) Economy 6, Education 11, Health 5, and Social Services 5 Study visits in hosting partner region Thematic conferences  Policy approach  Presentation of selected good practices Evaluation workshops after each conference  Starting phase of transfer and matches between source and target regions  Drafting recommendations on European, national and regional/local level

6 Workshop on the Education in Wroclaw, Poland, Dec 2010 Among identified questions:  What lifelong learning is about?  How education (e.g. national and regional policies, educational institutions) should take into account population declining and ageing in the regions?  How to deal with eLearning?  What should be developed and improved?  Cuts or more opportunities? Results:  31 proposals from 11 regions  11 selected good practices – seven of them on the stage today and four of them are presented in the stands

7 Workshop on the Education in Wroclaw, Poland, Dec 2010 Among topics of common concern:  Education policy, education and training systems  Pre-school (early) and general education  Vocational education and training  Adult education and training  Polytechnic and university education  Liberal adult education  Employment policy (incl. age policy)  Lifecycle approach to work life (course of work life)  Inclusive job market  Methods of education (incl. eLearning)

8 Among new Topics for Cooperation The following themes might be items of consideration for further cooperation  Generating and offering diverse forms of lifelong learning  Developing eLearning opportunities  Bridging the worlds of labour and of education and training  Developing regional early-warning and forecasting systems to improve the matching of skills supply and demand  Supporting the development and exchange between public employment services, education and training providers and companies on lifelong learning

9 Risto Poutiainen Director, Regional Development and Planning +358 40 546 9649 Erja Lehikoinen, PhD DART Project Manager +358 50 408 6600 The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as we continue to live. Mortimer Adler Photo: Keijo Penttinen

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