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1 Youth and Development: A Perspective from the Arab Region Economic and Social Commission For Western Asia اللجنة الإقـتـصاديـة والإجـتـماعيـة لغـربـي

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Presentation on theme: "1 Youth and Development: A Perspective from the Arab Region Economic and Social Commission For Western Asia اللجنة الإقـتـصاديـة والإجـتـماعيـة لغـربـي"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Youth and Development: A Perspective from the Arab Region Economic and Social Commission For Western Asia اللجنة الإقـتـصاديـة والإجـتـماعيـة لغـربـي آسـيـا Ms. Rima Khalaf Executive Secretary - UNESCWA

2 Outline 2 Youth Bulge: A Challenge or a Window of Opportunity? Needs and Priorities of Youth A region in Transition Looking into the future: Harnessing the Potential of Youth.

3 The Youth Bulge: Challenge or Opportunity 3 Data Source: UN DESA, World Population Prospects: The 2010 Revision Youth as a Percentage of Population

4 Multiple Exclusions 4 Addressing the Development Needs of Youth EducationWork Health / Social Wellbeing Participation in Public Life ESCWA Population and Development Report 4 – Youth in the ESCWA Region: Situation Analysis and Implications for Policy Development, 2009

5 Youth Policy Mainstreaming or Youth Centric Policies? 5 YOUTH Social Development Policy Macroeconomic Policy Health Security Employment Policy Education Policy

6 Multiple Responses from the Region 6 Youth Employment Programs Social Protection for Vulnerable Youth Youth Engagement in Decision-making Youth-Centric Policies and Program Political develop ments

7 A National Experience (Palestine) 7 Youth in Palestine in the context of Israeli occupation and lack of opportunities. Main challenges: violence and displacement; property confiscation; restrictions on mobility and economic activity; lack of economic opportunities Holistic policy response: increased participation in state building, empowerment, capacity development, investing in youth

8 What the Youth Want 8

9 Concerted Efforts 9 To address the multiple layers of exclusion Harness their potential in shaping their own futures


11 Let their voices be heard 11 Organized a series of discussion forums and dialogues with the youth of the revolution Outcomes of forums to feed into a flagship publication on the Arab Region 2025: Prospects for the future written by the youth of the region

12 12 They have shown that they truly can

13 13 Thank you.

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