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Hinduism Vishnu Lakshmi.

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1 Hinduism Vishnu Lakshmi

2 Thousands in Toronto See Ganesha Miracle (P. 114)
Describe the “miracle” reported in the article. Identify the possible explanations for the phenomenon proposed by the article. Do you believe in miracles? How would you explain the “miracle” presented in the article?

3 Thousands in Toronto See Ganesha Miracle (P. 114)
The “miracle”: Lord Ganesha, carved in marble, “drinking” milk when fed with a spoon. The statue appeared to absorb the milk through its trunk and tusks. Two possible explanations: Scientific (capillary reaction of marble and stone) “Miracle” (revelation of the divine power)

4 Facts About India India’s population is 1,198,003,000
Area 3.3 million square kilometers (Canada 9.9) 17 major languages, 844 dialects English and 14 other languages are considered official Hindi is the major language of the people Sanskrit is the language of their scripture

5 Facts About India Major religions:
85% Hindu 10% Muslim 2% Christian 1% Buddhist 2% Other (Jainism/Sikhism) Ganges River is 3000km long and considered sacred.

6 Facts About India The name ‘India’ is derived from the River Indus, the valleys around the home of the early settlers. India is the largest democracy in the world, the 6th largest country in the world, and one of the most ancient and living civilizations (at least 10,000 years old). The largest employer in the world is the Indian Railway system, employing over a million people! The number system was invented by India.

7 Origins of Hinduism Unlike other religious traditions, Hinduism was not founded by a particular individual. Hinduism is the product of various peoples that have occupied the region of India throughout time, which explains its diverse and complex nature.

8 The Indus Valley Civilization 2700 – 1500 BCE
The earliest evidence of religious thought in India was uncovered during archaeological excavations along the banks of the Indus River in 1926. Evidence shows that the people of this civilization were impressive builders and town planners. They lived in cities that included a central area for civic activities as well as large residential zones.

9 The Indus Valley Civilization
Some of the buildings have been identified as worship houses. Archaeologists have uncovered stone sculptures that seem to represent a mother goddess. Discoveries around the Indus River include: Charms that protect against evil Thousands of flat seals Fire altars and pits lined with bricks, containing ashes and animal bones Theses discoveries suggest that these cultures participated in religious activities.

10 The Indus Valley Civilization
Some of the flat seals depicted a man wearing a head-dress seated in a yoga-like position and surrounded by animals. May have been an early representation of Hindu God Shiva.

11 The Arrival of The Aryans
Around 1500 BCE, thousands of Aryans migrated into India from the northwest, destroying the Indus Valley Civilization. These people hailed from Central Asia and spoke an early form of the ancient language of Sanskrit.

12 The Arrival of The Aryans
The Aryan settlers created poems and texts on rituals and philosophies. Vedas (4 in total) Hinduism’s earliest sacred writings.

13 The Arrival of The Aryans
The Aryans lived in awe of the magnificent, yet destructive, forces of nature and worshiped them in the form of gods. Agni: fire, believed to be a link between gods and humans.

14 The Arrival of The Aryans
Worship and prayer rituals to honour and please gods formed the core of early Hindu practice. The Upanishads combined this notion of prayer with philosophical inquiry about atman: the human soul.

15 Read pages 115-120 of your textbook to complete the worksheet.
Activity Read pages of your textbook to complete the worksheet.

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